  • 學位論文


A study on Indoor Air Quality and Exposure Health Effects in Underground Parking Lot

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


根據交通部統計處截至2009年12月底統計資料顯示,全國機動車輛已達2,137萬餘輛,較十年前成長約30%,為解決國人停車問題,政府及民間大規模闢建地下停車場供民眾使用。地下停車場多屬於密閉空間,易使停車場室內及道路機動車輛排放之空氣污染物累積於室內環境,造成停車場室內空氣品質不良,影響停車場使用者之健康。本研究檢測臺灣北部60座地下停車場室內空氣品質,透過統計分析、致癌風險評估、空氣資源管理效應整合模型(Air Resources Co-Benefits Model, ARCoB)及大氣擴散模式(AERMOD),探討地下停車場空氣污染物現況、分析地下停車場之空氣污染物特性、量化停車場使用者及管理人員因暴露對人體之健康危害及模擬地下停車場空氣污染物擴散對鄰近學校師生所導致之健康效應。 研究結果顯示,地下停車場管理室主要空氣污染物為NO2、CO2、HCOH,停車區域則為NO2、CO,其中管理室以HCOH最嚴重,高於室內空氣品質第二類建議值比例為25.0%,停車區域以CO最嚴重,高於室內空氣品質第二類建議值比例為5.3 ~ 13.6%;統計分析結果顯示,環境因子會影響地下停車場室內外空氣污染物濃度,其中停車場周遭環境為道路時,空氣污染物濃度最高;健康風險評估顯示,管理員暴露於管理室29年,每年暴露253天,每天暴露8小時,其終生致癌風險值為1.80*10-4,停車場使用者暴露於停車區域40年,每年暴露253天,每天暴露20分鐘,其終生致癌風險值為8.34*10-6,兩者終生致癌風險均高於可接受致癌風險值10-6;健康效應評估顯示,管理員暴露於停車場停車區域29年,每年暴露253天,每天暴露8小時,相對於暴露在管理室會造成較最高之終生壽命減少[222.47 (日/人-終生)],暴露於停車場周遭道路29年,每年暴露253天,每天暴露8小時,相對於暴露在管理室會造成較高的每年醫療支出增加[475.92 (元/年-人)];大氣擴散模擬結果顯示,學生在學校暴露於地下停車場空氣污染物3年,將導致終生平均壽命減少約0.93日,每年醫療支出約增加352元,教職人員在學校暴露於地下停車場空氣污染物30年,將導致教職人員終生平均壽命減少約9.29日,每年醫療支出約增加352元。


According to ministry of transportation and statistics department at the end of December 2009, the country has reached 213.7 thousand units of motor vehicles, compared with growth of about 30% a decade ago. Government and private building underground parking lot for people to use to solve the parking problem. Confined space underground car park is easy to make motor vehicles emit pollutants accumulate in the indoor. Poor indoor air quality, will affect the health car park users. Study selected 60 underground parking lot in Taipei to conduct indoor air quality testing, through statistical analysis, cancer risk assessment, Air Resources Co-Benefits Model and AERMOD, to explore the status of air pollutants, analysis of characteristics of air pollutants, to quantify the car park users and managers of the human body due to exposure to health hazards and simulation of underground parking lot spread to nearby air pollutants caused by teachers and students of the health effect. The results show that the underground car park management office for the major air pollutants NO2, CO2, HCOH, parking area for the NO2, CO. Management Office is the most serious air pollutants HCOH, 25% more than the IAQG value II. Parking area is the most serious air pollutants CO, 5.3 ~ 13.6% more than IAQG value II. Statistical analysis showed that environmental factors will affect the underground parking lot of indoor and outdoor concentrations of air pollutants, including underground parking lot surrounding the roads, the highest concentration of air pollutants. Health risk assessment, the man who is manager exposure management office 29 years, 253 days a year exposure, exposure to 8 hours a day, the lifetime cancer risk value of 1.80×10-4. The man who is underground parking lot user exposure management office 40 years, 253 days a year exposure, exposure to 20 min a day, the lifetime cancer risk value of 8.34×10-6, both are higher than the acceptable lifetime cancer risk of 10-6 cancer risk. Health effects assessment, the man who is manager exposure to parking area 29 years, 253 days a year exposure, exposure to 8 hours per day will reduce the lifetime 222.47 (day/people-life). The man who is manager exposure to underground parking lot surrounding the roads 29 years, 253 days a year exposure, exposure to 8 hours per day will increase the medical expenses 475.92 (dollar/year-people). AERMOD simulation results show students in the school exposed to air pollutants 3 years will reduce the average lifetime expectancy of 0.93 days, medical expenses increased 352 dollar per year. Teachers in the school exposed to air pollutants 30 years will reduce the average lifetime expectancy of 9.29 days, medical expenses increased 352 dollar per year.


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