  • 學位論文


Rebuild the Idle fishing port in coast space-The Case of Hualien Yanliao Fishing Port

指導教授 : 彭光輝


「閒置空間」的產生是因社會、經濟、自然等環境變遷影響產業結構的轉變,導致弱勢空間產生結構失序,空有一不具生命力軀殼,長久的閒置造成地區發展阻礙。「鹽寮漁港」位於東部海岸國家風景區內,距花蓮市僅二十分鐘車程,自然資源豐富、海岸景觀優美,是大眾嚮往的海岸環境與慢活觀光場域,早期以捕龍蝦維生的傳統小漁村,近年因漁港防波堤工程建設不當而產生漂砂嚴重淤積,也連帶的使原有的親水設施遭到破壞,遊客親海意願降低,加上近年來的漁業資源日漸匱乏,影響漁民作業急縮,自然與人文環境變遷的雙重影響,致使鹽寮漁港地區凋零與沒落。 本研究以「誘導式結構(The Heuristic Structure)」理論為操作方法,鹽寮漁港空間為研究範圍,以永續理念重新審視漁港聯結海岸空間的聯結,透過海岸空間、生態場域、永續觀光、基地環境等議題,歸納整合27項適用於鹽寮漁港海岸空間再造的規劃設計原則,經交互建構的演繹推演出「與自然共處的教育場」、「彈奏自然的原鄉生活」、「悠然緩慢的漫遊野岸」、「接收海洋訊息的窗口」4項設計目標情境,轉化海岸漁港再造的策略與構想設計,達成地方活化發展與生態環境之教育性意義,以為未來鹽寮漁港再造研究之參考與建議。


Idle Space is caused by social, economic, natural and other environmental changes influencing the industrial structure transformation and consequently leading to the structure disorder of weak space, turning it into a lifeless shield and eventually an obstruction to regional development due to long-term idleness. Yanliao Fishing Port is located inside the East Coast National Scenic Area and only about 20 minutes’ drive from Hualien City. It boasts rich natural resources and beautiful coastal landscapes – a LOHAS sightseeing site and coastal environment the public aspired to. It used to be a traditional fishing village living on lobster catching. However, the improper construction of the breakwater engineering in recent years has caused serious deposit of drifting sands and destruction of the nearby water-accessing facilities, and visitors have become less willing to visit the coast. Meanwhile, the increasing scarcity of fishery resources in recent years has led to the sharp shrinkage of fishing activities. The dual influences from both the natural and human factors eventually led to the withering and downfall of Yanliao Fishing Port. With the heuristic structure theory as the operation method and Yanliao Fishing Port as the study scope, the study adopted the concept of sustainable development to review the coastal space of the fishing port, and generalized 27 planning and designing principles applicable to the coastal space reconstruction of Yanliao Fishing Port through such issues as coastal space, ecological field, sustainable tourism and site environment. Four design objective scenarios were deduced by means of interactive construction, namely: an educational park coexisting with the nature; natural native life; leisure and LOHAS coast; and marine information receiving window. These were then transformed into reconstruction strategies and concept designs for the coastal fishing port in order to realize local development activation and promote the educational significance of the ecological environment, and to provide references and suggestions for future reconstruction studies of Yanliao Fishing Port.


46.翁偉真,以廢墟為媒介之自然與人造的對話,淡江大學建築學系碩士論文, 2007。


