  • 學位論文


A Study on Brand Strategy, Brand Experience, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Brand Performance - An Empirical Investigation of the Biotechnology Medical Beauty Industry

指導教授 : 胡同來


經過時代與科技的進步、國家經濟發展、國民所得提高,高齡化社會(Aging Society)的來臨,現代人養生新觀念,不僅要活得更久,更要活得健康與漂亮。尤其「生技醫學美容」正式上市推動化妝品優良製造規範(GMP)認證制度,造成全球美容化妝品產業的大幅成長和益受重視。 隨著市場前景的看好,現階段化妝品市場激烈競爭,消費者的選擇增加,對於品牌的忠誠度逐漸下降。企業必須將其策略性思考從供應鏈管理轉變成需求鏈管理,以滿足消費者並與消費者進行溝通。若只提供完美的產品是不能滿足顧客,更重要的是提供顧客完美的品牌體驗。品牌體驗已不只是指體驗產品功能如此而已,而是須經過周密的品牌策略規劃,在與顧客的各個接觸點上,創造具差異化且讓顧客驚艷且獨特的體驗。 本研究將經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,探討企業運用品牌策略與品牌體驗是否能做到顧客滿意,增進品牌與顧客的情感性連結,讓顧客不僅成為品牌的忠誠顧客,還要成為品牌的忠實擁戴者。因此將台北市都會區25~65歲的女性化妝品市場作為研究對象,透過問卷調查法,並以線性結構模式(LISREL)探討該產業之品牌策略、品牌體驗、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度等概念,互相連結不同概念間的因果關係,最後將反映在品牌績效上以創造真正的價值與實質的利益。 本研究以生技化妝品產業為實證對象,探討各變數之關係,研究發現:品牌策略與品牌體驗;品牌體驗與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度;顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度;顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度與品牌績效均有正向影響;品牌策略與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度的關係則不顯著。以此發現可供研擬行銷策略提供業界做為參考,並期望能提供生技醫學美容業者與化妝品業者作為擬定行銷策略的參考依據。


Following by improvement of technology, development of national economy, rising of income and approaching of aging society, people change their attitude toward healthy. Nowadays they not only require to live longer, but also live healthier and prettier. Especially after official launching of ‘Biotechnology Medical Beauty’, which propelled Makeup GMP recognition regime, this has invoked large blooming of global makeup industry. Due to brightening of market prospect, makeup industry is now undergoing fierce competition; customers have diversification of product choices, which reduce loyalty toward brand. Enterprises are now forced to change their strategic thinking from supply chain management into demand chain management, in order to satisfy consumers and communicate with them. Providing proper products is not enough to fulfil consumer preference; more importantly, business has to provide perfect brand experiences. Also, brand itself is not only identification, but also a provider of true experiences. Moreover, brand experience refers not merely to practise of product function, but creates unique and stunning memory through advisedly brand strategic planning. This research will be conducted via literature review, integrate relevant research and past scholar records, to explore whether business usage of brand strategy can increase consumer satisfaction, improve emotion connection of brand and customers or not. Therefore, subjects of this research will be focused on female aged from 25-65 who live in Taipei. Using questioner as research methodology, attend with LISREL linear structural model to examine concept of brand strategy, brand experience, consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty. Connecting different concepts and scrutinizing causal relation, reflecting on brand performance to create genuine value and essential profit. The most significant findings are: 1.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Strategy and Brand Experience. 2.There isn’t a significant, positive correlation among Brand Strategy, Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty. 3.There is a significant, positive correlation among Brand Experience, Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty. 4.There is a significant, positive correlation among Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty. 5.There is a significant, positive correlation between Customer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty and Brand Performance. Contributions of the findings are to provide business marketing strategy and managing cosmetic brands. Anticipate that this research can provide businesses in makeup biotechnology medical industries or cosmetic industries a reference of marketing strategy.


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