  • 學位論文


Analysis of fire hazard factors on Dihua Street historical gathered style structures and Research on Precaution Plans

指導教授 : 林裕昌


近年來台灣因幾處重要古蹟大火而逐年提升對於古蹟、歷史建物等建築防災概念,而這都僅止於單棟建築防災,而群聚式歷史建物卻缺乏相關防災研究,而本研究將深入探討群聚式歷史建物防災觀點與單棟歷史建物相異之處。 大稻埕歷史風貌特定專用區之防災計劃實施現況,至今因欠缺有系統之調查研究,因此難以了解問題所在,而國內對此課題亦缺少有系統之調查。故有必要透過此研究過程,重新審視群聚式歷史建物防火的相關課題,加以擬定對策出防災計畫。 本研究目的如下所示: 一、迪化街群聚式歷史建物火災危險因子分析。 二、迪化街群聚式歷史建物防災計畫建構。 本研究以迪化街街區歷史建物為研究對象,本研究成果如下: ㄧ、建立迪化街歷史建物基礎資料。 二、 群聚式歷史建物火災危險因子 (一) 街屋形式建築,鄰棟間結構體相互連接。 (二) 街屋建築使用狀況多樣化。 (三) 屋頂構造部分非耐火構造,延燒危險性高,結構體穩定性不明。 (四) 騎樓處易造成鄰房延燒。 (五) 僅有單方向消防救助。 三、迪化街歷史建物與非歷史建物交錯利於整體規劃防災對策。


Numerious fire hazards have occurred at some important historical monuments in Taiwan, thus people have started to pay more attention and take more precautions to protect historical monuments and structures in the event of future fires ,but for singled style structures only. However; the lack of precaution research into historical gathered style structures makes the research go deep into the differences between precautions of historical gathered style structures and historical singled structures. Since the lack of systematical research in Da-Dao-Cheng historical fetures area, it’s hard to realize the problems from the practice of precaution plans. Purposes of the research are as below: 1. Analysis of fire hazard factors on Dihua Street historical gathered style structures. 2. Constructions of precaution plans on Dihua Street historical gathered style structures. The research mainly studies the historical structures in the DiHua Street neighborhood.The study result as below: 1. The Fire Hazard Factors on historical gathered style structures: (a.)Structures connect with each other in neighbor. (b.)Diversification of usage condition. (c.)Roof are not fire-proof, thus it’s easy to get extended fire. The structures are not steady. (d.)Fire extends possibly to neighboring structures on arcade. (e.)Fire Fighting succors on only single-direction. 2. The Constructions of Precaution Plans on historical gathered style structures: (a.) It is beneficial in overall precaution strategy that gathered historical structures crisscross non-historical structures. (b.)Strenghten the management of Precaution plans on characteristic area.


三、 何青芬,2008,「台北市古蹟建築再利用為餐飲空間之防災計畫調查與改善研究」,台北科技大學建都所,碩士論文。
一、 重耀建築師事務所。
二、 Google Earth。
一、 立命館大學文化遺產學防災學出版委員會,2008,『文化遺產防災學「ことはじめ」篇』,丸善株式會社出版事業部。


