  • 學位論文


The Integrated Methodology of Manifold Learning and Random Forest for Business Distress Prediction

指導教授 : 林鳳儀




To construct of the business distress detection model has long been regarded as an important and widely studied issue in the academic and business community. Nowadays, there have been many successful applications of support vector machines (SVM) in business distress detection and data mining problems, where SVM-based models frequently received state-of-the-art results. Recently, random forest (RF) developed by Breiman, have gained popularity due to many attractive features and excellent generalization performance on a wide range of problems. Nevertheless, there has been little work on the application of RF for finance literature. In this paper, we propose a novel model to integrate manifold learning with RF technique, to crease the accuracy for the prediction of business distress. By manifold learning techniques, we can reduce this high dimensional business distress data into a much lower dimensional space, is utilized as a preprocessor to improve business distress prediction capability by RF. The results show that the proposed model provides better classification results than pure RF and support vector machine, can help investors in correct investment decisions.


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