  • 學位論文


Physical Properties Measurement and Assembly of Vertical Probe Card and its Array Force Sensor Design

指導教授 : 黃榮堂 施勝雄


本論文使用微機電製程(MEMS)搭配微電鑄(Micro Electroforming)技術製作垂直式探針。探針外型設計使用有限元素分析(FEA)軟體COSMOS模擬不同型態探針的應力與變形,使探針的能達到更完善的強度設計,並且縮短探針間距,可應用在晶圓級探針卡。其製程特徵為使用微影技術搭配厚膜光阻,再使用微電鑄技術、研磨技術的製作方式,可批量生產高精度探針。鎳鈷合金電鑄、多層合金電鑄及研磨拋光相關設備,技術自組性高、關鍵技術能夠自行掌握。目前可以製造高精度之鎳鈷合金探針。 探針測試也是重要的一環,因此必須開發探針測試機台,以便進行探針疲勞測試、最大耐電流測試、阻值量測、針壓測試。此不需要改變硬體情況下,變更韌體即可改變測試機台的功能,順應不同場合的需求。 另外,微探針組裝技術,為本研究的突破技術之一,利用微影製程的優勢,可將製程延伸,達到多根針的封裝技術,因此可降低傳統探針卡因人工排列探針而共面度無法提升等問題。搭配陣列式力量感測器於探針裝配頂部,當探針發生接觸時,可進行即時探針反作用力、接觸電阻的檢測,如此一來可大幅降低修復探針卡所需的時間與人力,為技術上的一大突破。


This thesis aims to combine MEMS process with micro electroforming technology to fabricate vertical spring-probe. We use the FEA software, COSMOS, to simulate different kinds of stress and deformation under different contours of probes that can make probes have better stiffness and minimize the probes’ pitch. Vertical spring-probe can be applied to wafer level probe card due to its large flexibility. The fabrication features of this kind of probe card include using thick layer PR photolithography process and polishimg process, applying micro electrofrming process and producing a large number of probes with large accuracy at the same time. Fabrication of Ni-Co alloy electroforming, multi-layer alloy electroforming and CMP like polishing are all home-made. So far we have successfully finished producing Ni-Co probes. The testing of probes is another key requirement in this study, so we have developed testing equipment for probes in order to perform fatigue testing, maximum current testing, resistance measuring, and loading testing of probes. Furthermore, we can change any functions of the testing equipment by altering firmware without changing any hardware, so as to cater for different requirements. In addition, the probe assembly is another key requirement in this study. We used an advantage of photolithography to extend fabrication processes which we can package multi probes at the same time. Therefore, we can elevate the planearity which manual assembly probe card can not reach in traditional way. In addition, we can combine probes with the array force sensor designed by ourself. When the probe card is in operation, we can measure each one of the probe’s force and contact resistance on-line. Therefore, we can reduce more manpower and much time to repair the probe card that we believe a breakthrough on technique of the probe card.


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