  • 學位論文


Elevated road link under the image of urban space To Guang-hua viaduct section of shan Districtign

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


都市快速運輸系統為必要交通設施,普遍以高架方式設置,逐以減少地面層交通負荷,並提供便利及縮短空間距離之功效。現行高架道路橋孔空間以多目標使用政策下,空間多為消防局、停車場、花市、玉市…等公共設施,惟高架道路設施過度重視車行,影響環境銜接,使得高架橋下形成餘留曖昧空間,無法串連地面層活動,呈現混亂狀態,反淪為都市巨型化設施連結斷層,據此,都市高架道路橋下活動不僅是行人過往通道,應為銜接都市空間序列與多元環境介質融合,更是引導都市活動媒介成為生活交織場域、串連城市記憶整體意象之要角。 光華區段以華山文創中心及光華商場為主,具有展示文化與科技雙重意象,惟 光華區段被金山高架道路切割,地面層活動被阻隔於道路邊緣,橋下空間淪為孤島,影響光華區段整體活動與建物發展序列。 本研究以活絡高架橋空間活動場域與意象連結為首要課題,藉由都市公共空間、都市活動、生態都市、都市高架道路、基地特性文獻探討與分析,歸納出高架橋空間之設計原則,並針對「金山高架橋光華區段」為操作對象,推導出高架橋之空間情境為五項:一、都市高架「眺」島;二、都會商業科技藝文創意衝擊實驗場;三、都會天空綠廊道;四、懸浮天空科技藝文會和生活廊;五、通透的高架芎孔。由以上五項空間情境論述,以更高視點洞察高架道路空間情境為下列兩項:「科技與藝文交織立體生態廊道」、「科技與藝文高架介面之交疊映像」,並定義「藝文、科技、自然交流節點」計論文之概念,最終將情境轉化為空間規劃設計策略。


Urban rapid transit system for the necessary transport facilities are generally in order to set the reduction of elevated ground floor load, providing convenient transportation to shorten the distance of space. Promoting the use of multiobjective of space under Viaduct Act, space are used for public facilities currently such as: fire stations, parking lot, flower market, jade market…etc. However, elevated road infrastructure are focused on car flow much than environment .So that ,it is not very clear to define Viaduct system. It can not link the activities of the same area, but makes other confused, and becomes a fault in this city. it is not only for the pedestrian access under the viaduct, but also be integration of multiple environmental media to attain the overall environmental integrity. Guang-hua area contains Huas-han arts center and Kuang-hua shopping mall mainly where display the cultural and technological imagery. At present, Guang-hua section is cut by Jinshan Viaduct, and it becomes an indefinite area. Activities have been blocked on the edge of the road, making the activities of Guang-hua section can not be linked together with the development of building and is like "urban active fault." The main issue in this paper is how to use the space under the viaduct more effectively. As the subsequent operation of the positive significance of urban viaducts ,I would like to analyze the space under the viaduct in the city by the concept of Urban Public Space, and generalize the design principles to try to explain the spirit of the space under the viaduct。


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