  • 學位論文


Using ALT to Estimate the Activation Energy and Reliability for the Nameplates of Transformer Switch

指導教授 : 黃乾怡




Due to numerous reconciling items and statements after inspecting on transformer.Not only the statements are inconvenient to carry to job site,but also the imformation of the statements are not easy to save and read.As a consequence Taiwan main power intends to use radio frequency identification system placed on transformer outer covering to import inspection of operating procedures. The life expectancy of transformer is 12 years, during which period the radio frequency identification system failure will cause the data of transformer can not be examined.Therefore,it needs to ensure that it will not fail within the said period when imports stage within a limited time.This study plans accelerated life test to assess the reliability and estimate life expectancy.It considers high temperature when transformers operates.Hence,this study uses three strict temperature of accelerated life test.Owing to the research products belong high-reliability products,so it use Miller's law to shorten the trial time.The results show that the temperature of the product under the stress of two higher life expectancy were 798 and 455 hours.Looking on these two temperatures as strict stress,using Miller's law obtains two levels of low temperature stress failure data and calculates the life expectancy are 1277 and 1430 hours, respectively. To choose higher moderate data as a low stress level of failure data.Finally,using Arrhenius’ model to calculate the temperature of each level of acceleration factors were 224,384 and 634.The life time of the products are in the range of 286,516-306232 hours when used in normal conditions. The active energy calculated in this study results in a 42% difference in the products life time compared to that as provide by industry standard MIL-HDBK-217.


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