  • 學位論文


Constructability Study for the Application of RFID in Reinforced Concrete Component

指導教授 : 王隆昌


無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification ,RFID)技術近年已被先進國家廣泛應用於營建產業,包含營建材料、混凝土試體、預鑄構件吊裝等,也為各領域創造了高度之效益,因此先進國家們紛紛擬定RFID的發展計畫與政策,積極投入RFID的應用與研發,由此可知RFID技術的應用與發展為當今全球所競逐的重要議題。 目前RFID應用於營建產業的研究多集中以混凝土試體及營建材料為主,鮮有針對RC(Reinforced Concrete)構件植入RFID之施工性及通信狀況之研究探討。有鑑於RC仍是目前土木建築用量最大、最主要的構件主體,又依據RFID標籤安置或貼附在金屬材質上時,會受金屬影響而造成訊號上之干擾與衰減而縮短讀取距離,並限制讀取方向性之特性,故本研究擬將RFID鑰匙型與卡片型標籤植入RC實體構件中,以不同標籤頻率(低頻、高頻、超高頻)系統與種類測試植入構件之通信狀況及探討施工便利性。根據實驗結果提出標籤植入構件之施工困難性與建議施作流程,以降低施作時所花費的時間。最後,本研究結論提出標籤植入低頻與高頻標籤皆可完全讀取,但超高頻植入後無法讀取,建議未來高頻與超高頻可以使用防磁效果較佳的標籤,以增加讀取距離。本研究成果可以繼續延伸RFID整合土木或建築構件,提昇工程後續維護管理之用途與效益,並提供後續相關應用研究的參考。


RFID RC構件 施工性


In recent years, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications have become very popular in many service industries, purchasing and distribution logistics, industry, manufacturing companies and material flow systems. In construction, RFID technology has already been utilized in many areas, including construction engineering materials, concrete test cylinders, and precast component. It is important and necessary to evaluate the application of RFID technology in Reinforced Concrete (RC) because RC plays an important role in construction industry. There are many academic researches has been widely applied in concrete test cylinders and constructional materials using RFID technology. However, there is no research regarding to the constructability and procedures of RFID inserted in RC components. To identify constructability and important procedures of RFID inserted in RC components, vary field tests are investigated in the study. Also, one of limitations regarding to RFID technology is the inability to read labels on metallic objects because RFID labels attached on the metal objects will be interfered and declined the signal transmission. Therefore, three types RFID label frequency system (Low Frequency, High Frequency, and Ultra-High Frequency) are utilized to test in the study to evaluate the correspondence conditions and constructability when RFID labels are inserted in the RC components. The suggested procedures are made for inserting effectively the RFID labels in RC components based on field tests. Furthermore, meeting problems and difficulties are explained base on experimental test in the study. Finally, the results confirmed considerable improvement in constructability of inserting RFID labels into components and significantly enhanced RIFD potential researches in the maintenance management of the RC building in the future.


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