  • 學位論文


Assembly and Proliferation of Secondary Construction

指導教授 : 林靜娟


本研究從構築的角度探討台灣城市普遍的違章現象。如將依法定程序所建造出的建築原初狀態視為「整體」,二次性構築便是以附加或調整整體而構築出「部份」;整體和部份的關係如同於母體增殖出子體,且多採用僱工興修或使用者自行施作兩種建造方式,構築出滿足使用者的空間。 本研究以實證研究探討現今二次性構築方式的基準、限制與變化樣態,彙整其有關物的構築行為,並企圖在改善和保留使用者多元、開放的增殖構築前提下,發展出富調適性的構築系統。研究步驟為:當代建築案例及相關的文獻回顧,並透過台灣城市典型的二次性構築概況建立實證研究的觀察項目,從田野調查案例剖析二次性構築的樣態,歸結出設計命題及操作方法。 第二章從二次性構築的物質面向探討整體增殖出部分的關係,透過當代建築案例的補充與分析,除了採取母體與子體的增殖角度,並結合蘆原義信次整體空間的觀點;此外,從當前的二次性構築概況,分析增殖與建造者的關係,以及物質材料的運用樣態,歸結出實證研究中母體與子體的觀察內容與模式。 第三章選取台北市差異地區的二十處二次性構築為例,分析母體與子體的構築關係,依使用、空間與物質三項進行歸納,並整合專業與非專業者的構築基準、限制和模式,藉以引導設計命題和操作。 第四章針對台北某棟四層樓雙拼步登公寓之單側進行調查,剖析一個家族因人口、時間變動和使用所發生的構築,並導入第三章歸納構築的基準與模式,作為設計演練素材。 本研究最後運用增殖概念設計一組可置入不同材料的接頭,以接點位置、形式及關節動作支應多變的構築物件,且能保留使用者日後調適的可能;以上述設計配合技術工進行實作,呈現兩種建造方式的介面以及附加、調適機制的裝置。


二次性構築 部分 整體 增殖


This study investigates Taiwanese cities by looking at the widespread condition of rules violation in construction. In this study, the original situation of a building constructed following legal procedures is perceived as the “whole”, and secondary construction - an addition to or an adjustment of the whole - as “parts”; the relation between the “whole” and the “parts” resembles the relation between a mother and her children. Through hiring people for reconstruction or DIY by the owners, a space is created that satisfies the inhabitants. This thesis uses empirical research to investigate the norms, limitations, and changing patterns of contemporary secondary construction, by collecting and organizing the building behavior of related things. Furthermore, it attempts, on the premise of improving and preserving the diverse, unrestrained increase of construction by the users, to develop a construction system that is adaptable in nature. The thesis is built up as follows: First, a case-study of contemporary construction and a related critical literature review. Second, a summary of typical Taiwanese secondary construction established to observe items of this empirical research. Third, an analysis of field investigation patterns of secondary construction. Finally, a conclusion with a design proposition and working methods. The second chapter investigates from a secondary construction material point of view the relation between the whole and the parts proliferating from it. It replenishes and analyzes cases of contemporary construction by combining the above proliferating perspective of the mother and children with Ashihara Yoshinoby’s concept of sub-whole space. Next to this, using information from a summary of contemporary secondary construction, the chapter analyzes the relationship between the proliferation and the builder, and working patterns and the material. Concluded is with the observed content and patterns of the mother and children from empirical research. The third chapter uses twenty different secondary construction spots in Taipei city as examples. It examines the construction relation between the mother and children. From the three items usability, space, and material a conclusion is conducted, that integrates professional with unprofessional construction norms, limitations, and patterns, in order to lead to a design proposition and operation. The fourth chapter is aimed at investigating one side of a certain four-floor walk up apartment in Taipei. The chapter analyzes how in a household, because of family members, time changes, and practicality occurs construction. The norms and patterns from the third chapter also get involved, acting as the source material of a design practice. Finally, this study applies the concept of proliferation to design a set of joints that can insert different kinds of material. It uses contact positions, forms, and movement of articulation to provide for ever-changing construction objects. It also leaves the possibility for the users to make future adjustments. The above design is compatible with skilled work to present an interface of two kinds construction methods as well as equipment of an additional and adaptable mechanism.


Secondary Construction Parts whole proliferation


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