  • 學位論文


The Creative Digital Game : Problem-Solving Simulation of City Trash

指導教授 : 曹筱玥 吳可久


垃圾議題逐年受到重視,政府也實行各種減量做法,然而在九年一貫的環境教育課綱各指標中只有三個提到垃圾的成長與垃圾問題,無法深入有效的教導整體的流程,於是有了將垃圾議題融入遊戲創作的想法。   遊戲製作以經驗遊戲模式為架構,將知識融入遊戲之中,以模擬經營一座城市的方式進行,將自然環境的變化視為賽局中的一位參賽者決策,與實際的遊戲者進行一場經濟與環境的賽局遊戲。學生在遊戲過程中,必須反覆思考設法將城市打理好。如此不斷的反覆思考過程,除了學生可以學習並整合自身知識之外,透過遊戲過程的記錄,本研究期許能看出影響學生決策的因素。   實驗過後在創作部分得到了不少收獲,雖然經濟、資源與環境參數的設定尚未達到準確,但是讓遊戲的創作得到修正與改進,未來可以繼續朝向各項參數的調整發展,也可以繼續充實內容層面,讓垃圾議題更加完整。決策的研究部分依據遊戲紀錄的觀察與問卷評估,實驗出在無經濟壓力中受測對象的操作取向偏向資源與環境,而有經濟壓力時則會優先採取經濟取向的行為,未來的相關研究可以朝向不同的年齡層、教育程度甚至是個人背景進行,將能更具體的瞭解影響決策的因素。


The Garbage Problem has been concerned for years. And the government of Taiwan also implemented some policy on Waste Reduction. However, there are only three classes of Competence Indicators or Benchmarks teach about the problem of garbage increment crisis in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. It’s not enough for educating the whole process of the green issue effectively. Therefore, the idea of this game creation is going to aim at Garbage Problem.   This study expected to make a problem-solving game of city trash and explain what the factors affecting student decisions. The architecture of this game is based on Experiential Learning model. Combining with the green knowledge into the game and simulate for operating a city. This game turned Natural Environment as one of the participants, so that the Real Player can play a game with it on conduct economic and environment situation. This game can not only help student to learn and integrate their knowledge by taking care of the city prudentially, but see the factors affecting student decisions through the records of experiment.   According to the record observations and the New Environmental Paradigm questionnaires evaluation, the result of experimental is that the user who is in non-economic pressure will operate resources and the environment as key strategies more. Conversely, user who is in economic pressure will operate economics more. Future research can target at different age level, education level or even personal background to see the specific factors which impact user’s orientation of decision-making in the game. Although the setting of economic, resource and environmental parameters have not yet reached accuracy, but the game indeed had been corrected and improved after the experiment. Furthermore, this game can keep on developing by adjusting the parameters in the future. The content of the game can continue to enrich with the garbage issue to make it more complete.


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