  • 學位論文


A Study on Construction of Fire Fighters’ Rescue Training System of Hazardous Material Disaster in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張寬勇


臺灣工商業發展,化學物質使用普及,化學物質運作過程中,稍一不慎極可能引起火災、爆炸、洩漏等潛在危險,導致國內化災事故頻傳;又美國911恐怖攻擊事件後,恐怖攻擊事件至今仍不斷發生;核生化恐怖攻擊威脅仍揮之不去;另去年311日本東北強震,導致福島核電廠核子反應爐爆炸及燃燒,核物質大量外釋等。顯見,工業化災、核生化災、核電廠事故(以下通稱為「化災」),其造成之人命、環境及國家經濟重大損失,及對救災人員之安全威脅,勢將與日俱增。 當發生化災事故時,消防單位人員獲報,必須於第一時間前往事故現場執行「火災搶救」與「人命救助」,擔任起第一線救災之角色。抵達事故現場處理時,消防人員必須具備化災應變專業知能,及熟練化災處理及滅火相關車輛與化災偵檢、防護、除污等裝備器材,才能確保救災人員行動安全,及達有效降低災害損失之目的。爰此,如何建構我國消防人員化災搶救訓練制度,以奠定化災搶救基石,是重要之探討課題。 本文藉由蒐集美、日、英等先進國家及我國化災搶救訓練之相關法令及標準、人員及課程分級、滅火及止漏訓練設施、陞遷加分制度等,再參考前揭文獻資料據以製作問卷,並對以第一線化災應變處理單位為主,及消防署訓練規劃與執行單位為輔等之人員,實施本研究主題問卷調查,經彙整受測者問卷後,以SPSS中文套裝軟體,實施共識度、變異數等分析,依分析結果,提出建構我國消防人員化學災害搶救訓練制度之建議,提供政府相關部門規劃參考;另對於涉及化災搶救訓練細部配套措施之綜合規劃部分,並建議納入後續之研究。


化災 核生化 化災搶救訓練 陞遷 分級 共識度 變異數


Taiwan’s industry and commerce are well-developed, which requires widely use of chemistry materials; therefore, during chemistry operation processes, any negligence might cause some hazards such as fires, explosions or leaking and lead to frequent hazardous material disasters. Since 911 attacks, terrorist attacks have been happening everywhere; people are threaten by the nightmare of NBC attacks; and the strong earthquake occurred on 11 March 2011 in northeast Japan also caused Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Thus, it is obviously that industry disaster, NBC disaster, nuclear power plant accidents (hereafter known as hazmat) not only cause significant damage to human being, environment and nation economy but also increasingly threat life safety of rescuers. When hazmat accident occurs, rescuers shall rush to the accident scene as soon as they are notified for fire rescue and life saving. Rescuers must be equipped with professional knowledge and skills of hazmat response, including hazmat accident treatment, fire engine operation procedures, hazmat disaster detection, protection and emergency decon, in that case, securers’ safety can be ensured and the losses can be effectively decreased. Therefore, how build a complete and sound hazmat response training system in Taiwan is a important issue. This essay compiled relevant regulations and standard of hazmat response training from America, Japan, Britain and Taiwan, including personnel, program levels, training for extinguishing and stop leaking, facilities and promotion system. A questionnaire is also made on this topic which is extracted from previous reference data for hazmat response training organization and staffs from Fire Services Department training and execution units. I adopted SPSS Chinese version software for ANOVA and consensus analysis after retrieving the survey statistics. According to analysis result I offered a proposal of rescuers hazmat response training system for relevant government organization an a planning reference; planning part of hazmat response training details and measures is suggested to included in follow-up study.


hazmat disaster NBC hazmat response training promotion levels consensus ANOVA


[1]內政部消防署,「中華民國建國100年特刊消防百年風華紀要」, 2012年1月,附錄-p230-233。
[4]FIREFIGHTER’S HANDBOOK(FIREFIGHTER Ⅰ & FIREFIGHTER Ⅱ),Meet the 2008 NFPA Standards 1001 & 472,THIRD EDITION,Contents xx-xxi & p997-1004。
