  • 學位論文

從高齡者行為探討都市老人中心之規劃 -以台北市為例

Planning of Urban Senior Center by Studing Behavior of The Elderlys: Taipei City for An Instance

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


隨著我國高齡者人口急遽上升,面對高齡化、少子化的現象,高齡者的相關設施在政府政策的推動之下,已逐漸受到各界的重視。老人中心為高齡者活動的重要場所,更需深入探討其空間設計規劃所內蘊之問題。由於老人中心使用者並非侷限於行動自如高齡者使用,應包含於所有高齡者,需以高齡者角度出發進而有周全的考慮。 本研究先行走訪台北市13所老人中心,以日本通用設計理念著重身心靈方面考量,反思我國老人中心內蘊之問題。透過兩所老人中心個案做行為觀察,並以行為註記的方式紀錄其障礙問題,再進行深入訪談瞭解不同身心機能高齡者對於老人中心之障礙觀點,統合整理後歸納其老人中心之規劃。其重要研究結果如下:一、老人中心之規劃應包含「可及性」、「便利性」、「安全性」、「舒適性」、「心理性」、「懷舊性」以及「延展性」之項目。二、老人中心在五大障礙中,以移動障礙最為顯著佔64.3%,其次為感官障礙佔27.1%。三、老人中心需加強於高齡者因感官功能回歸現象之感官障礙預防,並且針對視覺上色彩的運用以及材質上的觸感加以刺激,減緩老化。四、老人中心缺乏日本公共建築通用設計注重對於視覺、聽覺、觸知及反應訊息的相關情報裝置的考量,以及加強對於環境及安全的重視。五、老人中心應符合所有高齡者之需求,且應補充身體方面的考量以及加強於影響心靈方面之考量。六、老人中心之規劃不應只於停滯於無障礙環境的規範,應朝向供所有高齡者的全面性考量設計邁進。


老人中心 高齡者 通用設計


With the increase of the elder population in our country, confronting the aging populationg and low fertility phenomenon, the elderly equipment of the government promotion have been paid attention.The Senior Center is the important activating center with the elderly, which need to serious investigate the spcaing design and the following problem.From the view of the elderly to consider the Senior Center because the center is not only for health elderly but also included all elderly.The purpose developed the elderly behavior for designing the Senior Center, visited the 13 Senior Centers in Taipei City, focused on physical and spiritual considerations with Universal Design concept from Japan which rethout the undercover problem in our country. Making the behavioral observations through two Senior Centers case, recording obstacle problems, from the interviews to find out the viewpoint with Senior Center for activity types of the elderly, which can be considering for the Senior Center's design.This study mainly focuses on six research purposes: 1.The Senior Center design should contained accessibility、Efficiency、SafetyComfortability、Psychological、nostalgia and Scalability. 2.There are five disorders in Senior Center ,the first is movement disorder with 64.%, the second is sense disorder with 27.1%. 3. Urban Senior Center requires to enforce the protection of senses function of the reversion phenomenon and sense disorder,especially on stimulating the usage of colour sight and the contact of materials in order to slow down aging. 4.The Senior Center was short of Architectural Universal Design for visul、hearing、tactile and response imformation with considering Information equipment, and enhanced the environment and security. 5.The Senior Center was not only used for free elder but also all elder, which considered the size、physical and Psychological with spacing design. 6.The Senior Center should achieve comprehensive design for all elderly.


Senior Center Elderly Universal Design


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