  • 學位論文

臺北市國中生非法藥物使用 及其家庭因素之研究

The Effect of Family Factors on Illegal Drug Use in Junior High School Students in Taipei

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究主要目的在調查國中生非法藥物使用及其家庭因素之關聯性,以臺北市公立國中之學生為母群體,以二階段分層抽樣法進行抽樣,以班級為單位,採用自填式結構問卷進行資料收集,共得有效樣本1,148分。本研究重要結果如下: 1.研究中有9 位學生曾經使用非法藥物,用藥盛行率是0.8%,使用的種類是K他命、安非他命及大麻。使用頻率是每個月使用非法藥物1次以上3次以下。就原因而言,主要是以「好奇」居首,其次為在不知情下同學朋友誘騙使用或知情下同學朋友推薦使用,使用非法藥物的地點則是以網咖為首。 2.不同性別、年級變項國中生與非法藥物使用,結果發現與性別有關聯性,與年級高低無關。 3.臺北市國中生在非法藥物使用上,因家庭結構的不同而有差異影響,雙親家庭的國中生以「不曾使用過」的居多(79.3%),而「曾經使用過」非法藥物的國中生,以非雙親家庭的較多。因此家庭結構與國中生非法藥物使用具關聯性,家庭結構完整者,則非法藥物使用會愈少。 4.家庭關係之變項,結果顯示不同家庭氣氛、親子關係及父母管教態度的國中生在非法藥物使用上達顯著差異,與非法藥物使用是具關聯性。因此家庭氣氛和諧、親子關係互動良好及管教態度多採用「開明權威」之方式,對青少年非法藥物使用的影響很大,意即家庭關係良好,國中生有安穩、支持的成長環境,其發生非法藥物使用的可能性便會降低,而家庭關係愈差者,非法藥物使用愈高。


國中生 家庭因素 非法藥物


This study aims to investigate the relationship between drug abuse and the family factors. With the subjects based on students from public junior high schools in Tapei City, the delaminating sampling was condutced. The units were based on classes, the data collected by self-administered questionnaires designed by the researcher , which yielded 1,148 valid samples. The important findings are as follows. 1.In the survey, 9 students have ever used illegal durgs, the prevalence rate of drug use being 0.8%. Among the drugs being used are Ketamine, amphetamine and marijuana, and the frequency of using them is one to three times. Concerning the reason why they use illegal drugs, curiosity occupies the first place, followed by their being inveigled by classmates or friends without self consciousness, or their peers’ recommendations. Internet cafés are where drug abuse takes place most often. 2. With the variables of genders and grades being taken into account, though, the result shows that illegal drug abuse is closely related to the former, not the latter. 3. On the topic of drug abuse, the circumstances concerning these students vary from different family structures. 79% out of the students growing up in normal families “have never used any,” while those students who “have ever used drugs” are mostly brought up in single parent families. This reveals that family structures are closely related, which means the sounder the family structures are, the fewer chances drug abuse may happen. 4. As for the variable of family relationship, the result reveals a salient difference among students with various family atmosphere, relationship between parents and children, and the discipline their parents have for them.This implies that the variable is closely related to illegal drug use. Thus, families with harmonious atmosphere and close relationship mostly adopt liberal discipline,which has an enormous impact on illegal drug use,suggesting that with good family relationship, students will have a safe and supportive growing environment, and thus the possibility of their illegal drug use will decline.On the contrary,students brought up in families with inferior atmosphere are more inclined to illegally use drugs.


