  • 學位論文


A Study on Urban Design Strategies for Waterfront Space with the Viewpoint of Eco-City─The Case Study of Bali Ferry

指導教授 : 彭光輝


台灣為自然資源豐富之島國,然而在經濟發展時期諸多不當開發,卻造成珍貴生態環境破壞。所幸近年生態理念漸展,生態規劃與設計理念逐漸為地區開發之共識,另一方面,領導地區發展之都市設計規範卻礙於制定程序,以致地區發展仍與生態願景存在落差。於此架構下本研究擬以「生態城市」為觀點,並以八里渡船頭為實證地區,依其環境特質思考地區環境發展所面臨之課題。 研究方法主要利用基地環境調查、SWOT 分析、GIS 繪圖分析及自然環境結構分析,對地區生態環境現況予以檢視;並透過都市設計與生態城市相關理論與研究、國內外水岸空間規劃案例與相關文獻進行整理回顧,探討當前地區都市設計規範之利弊,並歸納水岸生態城市都市設計策略架構。實證研究分析依循生態空間結構性質,將渡船頭地區環境發展課題區分為「都市空間發展區」及「生態環境敏感區」兩部份探討,結合地區生態環境調查分析結果,最後提出以生態城市為角度之地區都市設計策略建議。


Taiwan is an island with rich natural resources. However, multiple inappropriate developments occurred during the economic development and caused damage to the precious ecological environment. Fortunately, ecological concepts have been developing in recent years. Ecological planning and design concepts have gradually become consensus for regional development. On the other hand, leadership development in urban areas still causes gap between regional development and ecological vision due to the development of design procedures. “Eco-city” viewpoint is being used in this study to consider the issues faced by local environmental development according to environmental characteristics with Bali ferry district used as empirical area. The main research methods used to examine the regional status of ecological environment are investigation of base, SWOT analysis, GIS mapping and structural analysis of natural environment. Through relevant theories, researches of urban design and ecological city, and review of domestic and foreign waterfront spatial planning cases and relevant literatures, we could study the pros and cons of current regional urban design and summarize urban design strategy and structure of waterfront ecological city. Analyze with accordance to the nature of eco-space structure with empirical research to divide the environmental development issue of ferry district into “Urban Spatial Development Area” and “Ecological Sensitive Areas” to study. Combine the investigation analysis result of regional ecological environment to propose regional urban design strategies recommendation based on eco-city viewpoint as conclusion.


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