  • 學位論文


Carbon Footprint Assessment of Functional Textile with Wasted Serpentine

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


鑒於近年來地球暖化造成的氣候變遷及有限資源帶來的危機,將會使人類的生存條件隨著環境破壞與資源枯竭而消失,為有效利用資源與延長資源的使用壽命,資源回收再利用更為其主要作法之一。蛇紋石(Serpentine)是台灣自產特有的重要岩石礦物資源之一,然在採礦及切割的過程中會產生大量屑削,並因其粒徑限制,絕大部份的廢材均未能有效利用。因此對於蛇紋石廢料進一步的開發及其工業材料的應用,是不容忽視的重要課題。 本研究目的為應用生命週期評估(LCA)技術,針對以蛇紋石廢料製成之粉末,參入發熱衣製程之中,所進行之整件發熱衣的碳足跡評估。藉由聯絡廠商進行紡織品產品從搖籃到墳墓的所有投入產出能資源消耗之盤查,並經SimaPro8.0.2軟體進行碳排放計算,得到一件300g發熱衣之生命週期各階段的碳足跡為5.34公斤二氧化碳當量。其中製造階段排放最大,其碳排放為3.69公斤當量,其次為原料階段1.23公斤當量,廢棄階段0.409公斤當量,運輸階段0.005公斤當量,使用階段為最小,碳排放為0.003公斤當量。 本研究評估及結論部分,與其他相同功能單位紡織產品比較後得出的結果,不同於其它紡織產品是以原料階段為主要碳排放來源。主要原因在於盤查資料的不完整,使用的替代資料過高所致。本研究以製造階段的碳排放為主,其因為在發熱衣的製造階段上的高耗能,以及高耗水量為最主要的排碳貢獻。未來研究仍應著重在確實及正確的盤查是上。


Due to the crisis brought by the climate change and limited resources, the living conditions of mankind are deteriorating. It is believed that climate change and limited resources are the greatest threats facing the planet nowadays. In order to have a sustainable use of natural resources, recycling is one of the most important practices. Serpentine is one of the rock and mineral resources unique to Taiwan. Lots of amount of waste Serpentine will be created after mining, and most of time they are discarded without further utilization. The purpose of this study is to apply LCA technique to assess carbon footprints of heat-tech clothing, which utilized small amount of waste Serpentine as ingredient in the production processes. Inventory of energy and resources has been conducted; data which cannot be obtained from the inventory was adopted from the literature. Commercial LCA software- SimaPro8.0.2 was applied for carbon emission analysis. The results showed that a 300g weight of heat-tech clothing, its life cycle carbon footprints is 5.34kg CO2-e. Among all stages, manufacturing stage has the highest carbon footprints with 3.69 kgCO2-e, followed by raw material stage, disposal stage, transport stage, and use phase, with carbon footprints of 1.23 kgCO2-e, 0.409 kgCO2-e, 0.005 kgCO2-e, and 0.003 kgCO2-e, respectively. In summary, due to incomplete inventory results and using surrogate data, this study has different carbon footprints results from other similar studies. This can be improved in the future for finding suitable companies who are willing to help the inventory process.


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