  • 學位論文


A Study and Creation of Contactless Gesture Recognition for Operating of the Shadow Puppet.

指導教授 : 李來春


皮影戲是一種將戲偶藉由光線投射在布幕的表演藝術,並同時結合了美術、雕刻、唱腔、音樂、戲曲、表演及藝術於一身的綜合藝術。當今受到通俗娛樂文化的改變,表演的機會越來越少,並且隨著戲偶表演藝師凋零與後繼無人的情況下,而逐漸沒落。再者,現今的皮影戲數位典藏大多為靜態的歷史資料數位化,無法傳神表達其精髓。因此,本研究提出透過數位科技結合傳統文化,利用非接觸式手勢體感技術(Leap Motion)融入皮影戲操作的互動裝置,觀賞者除了可以透過手勢體驗皮影戲文化,也能藉由雙手操作數位戲偶進行遊戲,使觀賞者同時也成為表演者,藉由互動回饋進而提升民眾對皮影戲文化的了解及趣味性,同時也能增加博物館展出的豐富性。   本研究經過文獻與相關案例的探討,蒐集皮影戲素材與內容以及歸納出Leap Motion互動設計原則與遊戲心流的遊戲要素,依循上述理論進行互動裝置的創作規劃與設計,並以Unity 3D作為開發工具,整合Leap Motion開發出《皮癮戲》互動裝置。   裝置完成後,邀請五位各領域的專家進行原型評估,專家普遍認為該裝置具有吸引民眾遊玩的要素,並另外提出系統介面、遊戲內容的建議。由於研究者預設該裝置應用於博物館使用環境,因此,分為兒童與成人兩個使用族群進行使用者觀察評估,以觀察法以及遊戲心流、系統評估量表進行遊戲與整體系統設計的滿意度調查,作為檢視本研究之創作成果。本研究於米倉國小、世新大學、台北科技大學等三個地點進行施測,共有 30 位兒童與 87 位成人參與評估。最後量表結果呈現出兒童與成人皆有達到一定程度的遊戲沈浸並對於整體內容是感到滿意。最後,整理相關研究成果進行歸納探討,提出結論和未來方向與建議,希望藉由本研究結果能夠提供未來運用Leap Motion結合傳統藝術文化設計數位內容加值應用之參考。


Shadow Play is a kind of performance art operated by projecting the puppets on the screen through the light, it is also kind of integrated arts which combines art, sculpture, sing, music, performance. Nowadays, people influence by pop entertainment culture, the chance to perform Shadow Play is not as much as before, besides, the successor of Shadow Play almost disappear as the downturn situation of Shadow Play.   Furthermore, the digital archives of Shadow Play recently is just turn the history data pages to digital pages, it is hard to deliver the vivid essence of Shadow Play, therefore, this study brings out an idea of combining digital technology and tradition culture with contactless gesture recognition technology (Leap Motion). The audience can not only be the artist to experience how to play Shadow Play but also play games by Addiction of Shadow Play, which is an interactive installation of Shadow Play.   Through the feedback of interaction between the Addiction of Shadow Play and audience, people can get to know more about the history and how interesting of Shadow Play, besides, the Addiction of Shadow can help the museum provide a richness exhibition.   The reference of this research based on the related content of Shadow play, the interaction design method of Leap Motion and game flow theory, following the research above to design and plan the Addition of Shadow Play, this interactive installation was developed with Unity 3D and Leap Motion.   After finishing the demonstration of the Addition of Shadow Play, we invited five professions from multi-areas to evaluate, professions commonly consider this installation have the key to attract people to play, besides, they also provided advices of system interface and game content to this installation.   As researcher targeted the operation environment of the Addition of Shadow Play is the situation of museum, therefore, we divided users into two groups, which were adult and children to conduct user observation and evaluation, the result of this research provided a satisfaction survey of this installation based on research methods like observation, game flow, system assessment scale. There were 30 children and 87 adults from Mi-Cang Elementary School, National Taipei University of Technology and Shih-Hsin University participant to the test evaluation of the Addition of Shadow Play.   Eventually, the result of scale concludes that both of adult and children has reached equivalent level of game flow, and they feel satisfied with this installation generally. This research also brings out conclusions and future suggestion of this installation by investigating the results above. Hopefully this research can be a valuable reference of Leap Motion application based on the combination of traditional art culture and digital archives.


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