  • 學位論文


A Study of Instituting Full-Time Licensed Engineers or Technicians Requirements under Construction Industry Act

指導教授 : 王隆昌


「營造業法」 規定營造業設置專任工程人員立意良善,本意借重專任工程人員之專業,以確保工程施工品質,提高營造技術水準。在「營造業管理規則」時或因營造廠商與專任工程人員之理念不合,或礙於其他因素,致前述專任工程人員大都並不是真正在營造廠服務,執照放在營造廠,卻到顧問公司、技師事務所上班或在大專院校教書或是從事其他行業,也有長年居住國外,大多流為出租執照,無法發揮應有功能,因此衍生諸多不合理現象,不僅工程品質與安全堪慮,且敗壞社會風氣,久為社會所詬病。 探討本法及施行細則以及陸續頒布之相關子法其中與專任工程人員有關之諸多規定,發現仍延續以往之管理概念,且有很多前後矛盾及無法落實施行之虞,令人不得不持悲觀的看法,似乎舊的問題沒能解決,反而製造更多新的問題。 本研究將跳脫以往僅以各自利害關係的微觀角度,改用宏觀的視界與累積經驗為基礎,從經濟學觀點來檢驗專任工程人員制度,期盼能歸納出新的思路,提供政府執法時與日後修法時之參考,從實務面根本解決亂象。


The purpose of ' The Construction Industry Act ' (hereafter referred to as the Act) is to assure the quality of construction projects and to improve technological construction ability by using full-time licensed engineers and technicians. However, many construction companies have found loop pole under current ‘the Construction Industry Manage Regulation '(hereafter referred to as the Regulation), which is a part of ‘The Act’ The common scenario is the licensed full-time engineers or technicians would rent their licenses with fee to the construction companies without working for them. These who rent their licenses can be found working for some other place i.e.: the consulting construction firms, Universities, another career or living oversea. Because of this, it has created huge problems and threatens the safety and quality of the construction projects. After carefully study ‘The Act’, ‘The Act Amendment’ and ‘The Regulation’, we found the clauses and stipulations pertinent to full-time license engineers or technicians are often contradicting to one or another. Often ‘The Act Amendment’ and ‘The Regulation’ are merely trying to patch the loop pole of ‘The Act’. It is very difficult for construction companies and full-time license engineers or technicians to execute or perform under current condition. This study is to look at the construction industry from economical point view rather than fixing the system’s loop hole. This study is based on a long practical field experience and economic analysis to reexamine the system. Hopefully, we can find some solutions from the current mess. We can also help government by using this study as the recommendations for future legislation in this field.




