  • 學位論文


Application of Lidar and RFID techonology for Maintenance of Historical Wood Structures

指導教授 : 王隆昌 吳宗江


中國古建築樣式繁多,大多數是木構造為主軸,以大木構架修復程序來說,「拆解」與「組立」是關鍵性的程序工作,從古至今,在修復工作進行時,經常因大木編號的繁瑣導致參與修復工作者判讀的誤差。如今,傳統建築需要再次進行修復工程時,極易因承包古蹟修復專業者的經驗不同,對以往所累積的修復資料無法精確掌握,造成古蹟修復工作的誤判,使得古蹟毀損造成無法彌補的損失。 目前台灣所使用的標示方法,很難在第一時間辨識出需要之構件位置,或構件類別,構材編號記錄方式主要以平面為主,鮮少製作實物立體模型進行解體記錄及調查。現今Lidar技術與RFID技術皆已發展成熟,應用領域相當廣泛,有鑑於此,本研究提出導入Lidar技術與RFID技術於古蹟大木構架維護工程之構想,希望結合系統之應用,使施工人員可以更清楚瞭解施工現場的狀況,進而提升效率,研究成果期能提供主管機關及業者於歷史建築資訊化維護管理應用之參考,使歷史建築管理達到資訊化及預防式管理之具體成效。


Variety of ancient Chinese architectural style, most of the wooden structure for the spindle, and a large wooden frame fix, the "dismantling"and"assembly"is a critical program works, since ancient times, when the repair work, often due to a large wooden Number of red tape involved in the repair workers led to interpretation errors. Today, traditional buildings need repair works again, vulnerable to contracting the experience of historic building restoration professionals differ on the previously accumulated data can not precisely control the repair, resulting in restoration of historic miscarriage of justice, making the historic damage caused irreparable damage. The current labeling method used in Taiwan is difficult to identify the need for the first time the location of the components, or component type, construction material means record numbers based mainly flat, rarely make physical models to conduct the disintegration of stereo recording and investigation. The present Lidar technology and RFID technology developed tailor, a wide range of application areas, such, this research into Lidar technology and RFID technology in the historic timber frame maintenance works great idea to combine the application of the system, So that construction personnel can better understand the status of the construction site, thereby improving efficiency. Research result to provide the competent authorities and industry in the historic building maintenance and management of information technology application reference, the historic buildings and information technology management to proactive management of the concrete effect.


3D Laser Scanner RFID Lidar Chuan-Dou timber frames


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