  • 學位論文


A Study on the Spatial Variation of Ports along the Tamsui River

指導教授 : 張崑振


臺灣北部地區群山環繞,早期因交通不便、山勢險惡以致災害頻傳,漢人墾拓之初受到陸路發展的侷限,開發相對遲緩。淡水河及其支流的航運與移民活動息息相關,因此聚落的形成,主要仰賴水運而生,而水文的影響尤為其中關鍵。康熙33年(1694)臺北盆地因地震陷落而成湖泊,並形成腹地寬廣的港灣。河川形貌的改變使得淡水河船運陸續興起,對渡航線由出海口延伸至上游並形成網絡,流域沿岸的土地開發也隨之迅速擴張,以渡口為中心,經由市街的串連形成城鎮,沿岸的生活型態也呈現出一種點、線、面的發展模式。 河域地形的歷時性變動與渡口空間的興衰息息相關。本研究嘗試以文獻史料與歷史地圖影像的進行圖資彙整,探討河域渡口空間區位之關係。本研究分成三個階段;第一階段首先進行渡口空間概述,藉由舊時船渡活動為基礎架構,探討地域性的船渡網絡,以自然環境的背景條件,檢視對渡系統與駁船型態的發展。第二階段以渡口空間與地方墾拓之間的關係,針對臺灣堡圖中的對渡航線及其位置進行空間復原,透過土地擴張歷程、船務關係與交通運輸,配合河岸土地利用模式進行今昔比較,進一步檢視渡船頭、渡頭街與河港城鎮間的轉運關係。第三階段則以渡口聚落的空間組成、船渡組織與河海信仰諸神廟宇的象徵界域為議題,討論渡口外部空間的關係,企圖藉由宗教信仰及其他社會文化組織所呈現的空間屬性,探究不同渡口活動與民間信仰的關聯。最後綜合前述各項資料的討論,嘗試歸納影響淡水河沿岸聚落及與渡口空間發展之具體因素。


渡口 聚落 淡水河


There is a mountain ridge in northern Taiwan. At the early stage in history, the transportation in this region was not so convenient as it is now. Owing to the precipitous mountains and the frequent disasters coming from the attacks of the aborigines or the riots, the progress of the land development in northern Taiwan was relatively slow. The shipping along the Tamsui River and its tributaries had so much to do with the life of the Han immigrants. For the Tamsui River inland waterway transport, it was quite essential that people found various ways by which they could benefit from the strong advantages of this old transport system. In the 33rd year of the Kangshi Emperor(1694), the Taipei Basin became a lake, and owing to the downcast of an earthquake, a harbor with a broad hinterland was thus formed. The change of the river geomorphology led the ship transport along the Tamsui River to emerge one after another. The ferry routes which extended from the seaport to the estuarine upstream formed a transport network. Shipping activities reached its peak from 1795 to 1894. With the ferries along the Tamsui River as the center, the land development along the Tamsui River and its tributaries expanded in a rapid way and new urban settlements were formed. The coastal life model showed us a point-line-surface development one. The rise and fall relying on the ferry crossing have been closely related to the river basin topography of diachronic changes in reality. This study applies historical documents and historical map images to collect, and the data we have are organized to discuss further the correlative relationship among the ferry crossing, the ferry streets and the towns along the harbor. This study can be divided into three steps. In step one, we discuss the transport network of the areas based on its activities in former times. The development was closely connected with different types from its natural environment. In step two, according to the ferry crossing and the land development, we use historical maps to recover space, and compare the situation of the ferry crossing now and before by judging the various functions of the land use, the ship system and the way of the transportation. Therefore, we can inspect the explanation of the land extension from the ports, the stress and the settlements. In step three, the topic can be classified and focused on the settlements along the ports which consisted of the space use, the shipping system and the temples alongside the river, and thus a further research can be made on the settlement range in the past, which we use to discuss the square position near the ferry crossing. According to the religious conventions and the organization of the society community, we are able to fully describe the relationship between the different ferry crossing activities and the multifunctional religious beliefs. Finally, by combining all of the factors listed above, a complete induction can be made from the concrete factors which had great influence on the settlements along the Tamsui River and the development near the port.


port settlement Tamsui River


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