  • 學位論文


The Study on the Establishment of Self-management System of Sharing Building Facilities from the Perspective of Congregate Housing Management and Maintenance

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


集合住宅建築設備不若建築物外觀顯著,但使用50~60年期間,各項建築設備約需2~5次更新,本研究以建立一套完整集合住宅共用設備自主管理機制,協助住戶訂出設備管理計畫,進行自主健診檢查為目的。包含設備健診流程、設備自主檢查項目、檢查人力資源規劃、實施要因等皆為研究課題,透過文獻回顧、問卷、訪問與案例調查等方法,瞭解建築設備主要分類與細項、設備自主健診必要性、建築物住戶與物業管理人關注事項、檢核自主檢查書表操作性、彙整政府可提供之自主健診資源等,促成住戶據以自主管理。 本研究經文獻彙整、問卷、訪談、案例調查後加以分析歸納,提出以下研究成果: 一、調查成果: 透過問卷調查,統計結果顯示集合住宅屋齡逾20年者眾,參照彙整之「建築設備耐用年限統計表」,該批集合住宅極需設備更新與健診,以維持住宅性能;受訪者認為雖已委託專業廠商定期檢查維護建築設備,仍應實施自主健診以延長設備使用壽命,除掌握設備劣化動態,亦作為設備汰舊換新決策參考;又社區聘任之物業管理人員為自主健診重要人力資源,政府推動家屋健診可加以規劃運用;政府挹注自主健診資源,首以推薦顧問團專業諮詢,次以健診書表流程提供,經費補助較不具關鍵。且自主健診需輔以法令規範,以獲得執行成效。 二、集合住宅自主健診定位: 本研究提出之建築設備分類,設備自主查表、健診流程、健診頻率,係供集合住宅管理人訂出健診計畫加以執行,目的並非取代專業技術人員之專業檢查與設備維護,而是提供非專業人員以簡易檢查表單與操作流程,檢查設備運作情形、稽查廠商設備維護成效,掌握設備使用動態,以實施預防性保養或故障即時修復,並提供設備更新決策資訊,以作為規劃社區管理基金收支參考,達成住宅管理最佳效益。 三、自主健診機制策略建議: 自主健診實施,住戶與區分所有權人為執行核心,需長期挹注經費與人力,執行期間對健診書表之擷取或檢查技術支援與諮詢,甚至健診檢查教育訓練,均有賴專業機構之提供,俾利執行無礙;政府主管機關對於主動進行自主健診集合住宅,應研擬行政支援與獎勵,甚至提供其他獎補助措施,使住宅管理有示範性作用,以強化建築管理兼以提升住戶生活便利與安全。 本研究擬定之健診流程與健診書表,短期已可供住戶立即可參用;長期仍有賴政府部門、專業人力提供機構、住戶三方面持續關注,俾使集合住宅共用設備自主健診落實執行,創造集合住宅更高管理價值。


The building facilities of congregate housing are less significant than their exteriors, but each building facility needs renewals for about 2 to 5 times during 50 to 60 years of usage. The study assisted residents in drawing up facility management plans for the purpose of self-diagnosis based on the establishment of a thorough self-management system of sharing facilities of congregate housing. The topics of the study included the process of facility diagnosis, self-inspection items of facilities, labor plans of inspections, factors of implementation, etc. Through the review of literature, the questionnaire and case surveys and thorough interviews, the study facilitated residents to self-manage their housing based on the understanding of the main classification and detail of building facilities, the necessity of self-diagnosis of facilities and concerns of residents and property managers, the examination of the feasibility of self-diagnosis forms and the collection of self-diagnosis resources provided by the government. After the analysis and summarization of literature, the questionnaire, interviews and case surveys, the results of the study were proposed as below: 1.The result of the survey: The statistics of the questionnaire showed that the congregate housing over 20 years old desperately needed facilities renewed and diagnosed to maintain the residential property based on the compiled “Table of Service Life of Building Facility”; although interviewees had authorized specialized vendors for the regular inspection and maintenance of building facilities, they should practice self-diagnosis to extend the service life of facilities not only for knowing deteriorating condition of facilities well, but also for the reference to the replacement for facilities. Besides, property managers employed by the community were key human resources for self-diagnosis, so the government could take good advantage of them while promoting the self-diagnosis of residential housing. While adding resources of self-diagnosis, the government was recommended to adopt professional consultation provided by consultants first and provide self-diagnosis forms second. The subsidies were relatively not crucial; moreover, the self-diagnosis should be assisted with the implementation of orders and regulations to receive the effectiveness of the enforcement. 2.The position of self-diagnosis of congregate housing: The classification of building facilities, self-diagnosis forms of facilities, the process of self-diagnosis and the frequency of self-diagnosis indicated in the study were provided for managers of congregate housing to draw up diagnosis plans for the enforcement. The purpose was not for the replacement for the professional inspection and facility maintenance provided by specialized technicians, but for non-specialists to inspect the operation of facilities, audit the maintenance effects of facilities provided by vendors and know the condition of facilities well with simple inspection forms and operational procedures; as a result, they could practice preventive maintenance or instantly repair the breakdown, provide decision information of renewals of facilities as the reference to the plan of the funding balance of the community management and achieve the optimum result of the housing management. 3.Recommendations for the self-diagnosis system: The core enforcement of self-diagnosis was residents and the division of owners, and it needed long-term funding and labors. During the implementation, the collection of diagnosis forms or the technical support and consultation of inspections and even training of the diagnosis were all relied on professional institutes for the successful enforcement; in terms of the active practice of self-diagnosis of congregate housing, the governmental authorities should draft the administrative support and incentives and even offer other subsidies to make the housing management demonstrative for the purpose of strengthening the building management as well as enhancing living convenience and safety for residents. The diagnosis process and diagnosis forms drafted by the study could be used by residents in a short term; in the long term, the implementation of self-diagnosis of sharing facilities of congregate housing rests on the continuous attention from governmental divisions, institutes providing professionals and residents to create the better managing value of congregate housing.


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