  • 學位論文


Analyses and Proposed Improvements of the Current Taiwan Professional Engineers System

指導教授 : 彭添富


我國技師分科太細,導致不同科別技師互爭執業範圍之紛爭不斷,擔任公職之技師以行政權主導立法、修法,或技師公會遊說其所支持之立法委員為該科技師所推動之立法或修法護航;其目的多為該科技師一己之私,且規避專業責任;並不符合社會公益且悖離提升工程品質、確保公共安全之目標與方向。 前述熱門科別問題嚴重,相對冷門科別之技師卻無業可執,徒為教學所設, 既不合乎考用合一原則,且浪費社會與教育資源;確有裁併減科之必要。技師分科制度之檢討與改革,實為政府當前重要課題。 本研究將於探討、提出全部問題後,參考先進國家技師分科制度之優缺點,衡諸我國現行醫師、會計師、律師制度之現況及優劣之處;再探討學者專家及公會之見解;經過比較分析後,配合近年政府及技師公會已推動立法、修法之改革成果,朝按各科技師執業範圍、落實設計、監造與施工專業簽證方向,完成各項立法、修法工程。研究重點著重於探討可長可久改革方案,以供未來相關研究之參考,並期作為政府、國會與優質之技師公會共同努力之重要參考,希望對建立高水準、高品質之社會與生活環境有所助益。


Under the present categorization system established for professionalengineers in the nation, there are too many branches existing, which has resulted in numerous arguments among professional engineers fighting for their practicing fields. For instance, professional engineers working in the government tend to support legal enactments and amendments by using their executive authorities in their favor. On the other hand, the Professional Engineers Associations will try to persuade their favorite representatives in the Congress to advocate on their behalf. In most circumstances, these efforts will only lead to the result of their own respective favors as well to avoid professional obligations. The outcomes that follow do not conform to public interests nor to the interests of public safety. To some of the more popular fields of engineering, the above problem is rather serious, and to those of unpopular branches these engineers may have no job to practice at all. For these branches, the engineering departments at school may be established for faculty only, without any practical interests which becomes wastes to social and educational resources.They ought to be integrated into larger ones. In this connection, it becomes an imminent task for the government to review and revise the current categorization system for professional engineers. This research investigates the pros-and-cons of professional engineers categorization system in some foreign countries. The author intends to compare the present professional engineer system with those set up for medical doctors, accountants and attorneys-at-law in this country. The author also tries to acquire different opinions from scholars and professional of various fields and professions. Upon comparisons made with these studies together with recent efforts contributed by the government and professional engineers associations in supporting legal enactments and amendments, the author hopes that the professional engineers will be able to practice in design, constructions and field supervisions by professional certifications under appropriate legal regulations. In conclusion, the main purpose of this research is to provide a long-lasting reformatory proposal that can be used as a guideline for Government regulation in the future. It is the authors hope that, througth the efforts of the government, Congress and professional engineers, the results can be used to improve the living environment of the country to a higher level in quality.




