  • 學位論文


The Effect of Off-Balance Sheet Activities on Bank’s Efficiency in Taiwan Using Three-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 趙莊敏


本研究以台灣地區三十六家銀行為研究對象,研究期間為2005年到2007年,利用三階段資料包絡分析法衡量台灣地區本國銀行之效率,第一階段以原始的投入、產出和非意欲產出,利用固定規模報酬之非意欲產出DEA-SBM模型,衡量效率;第二階段利用第一階段所得的投入、產出和非意欲產出差額做為依變數,環境變數做為自變數,以隨機邊界法探討環境因素對投入、產出和非意欲產出差額的影響,並調整投入、產出和非意欲產出;第三階段以調整過後的投入、產出和非意欲產出,重新利用固定規模報酬之非意欲產出DEA-SBM模型衡量效率。 在未考慮環境因素和統計隨機干擾的影響下,第一階段整體的平均效率值為0.646;而第二階段的實證結果發現,銀行分行越多、公營銀行、金控銀行、上市和上櫃銀行,以及銀行成立越久會有超額的投入和非意欲產出,並且有產出短缺的情形;經由第二階段的調整後,第三階段整體的平均效率值為為0.565,比第一階段減少0.081,且第三階段效率值為1的家數減少了,表示第三階段效率值的辨別程度提升了,此外,第三階段的績效與中華信評的評等較為相符,代表第三階段所估計的結果更能反映真實的績效狀況。最後由Wilcoxon符號順序檢定,證實調整前後的效率值有顯著差異。


This study evaluates bank efficiencies in Taiwan using the three-stage data envelopment analysis, and accounts for the impact of the OBS activities on bank efficiencies. In the first stage, the slack-based DEA with undesirable outputs is applied to obtain the initial efficiency. In the second stage, the stochastic frontier approach is used and the stage 1 slacks are regressed against a set of environmental variables and statistical noise. In the third stage, the inputs and outputs are adjusted to account for the environmental effects and the statistical noise identified in the second stage, and the stage 1 model is used again to re-evaluate bank efficiencies. The empirical results are as follows. First, the mean efficiency is 0.646 in the first stage. Second, the more branches of the banks, public banks, financial holding companies, listed and OTC banks, and the longer of the banks’ established years have the excess input slacks, excess undesirable slacks, and the shortage of the output slacks. Finally, the mean efficiency is 0.565 in the third stage which is less than the stage 1, and the efficiency of the stage 1 and the stage 3 has significant differences by using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test.


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