  • 學位論文


Applying Data Mining Techniques to Analyzing Interaction Behavior in Touch Display Systems

指導教授 : 黃有評




Touch technology is blooming quickly. Improving the interactions between users and the touch system requires intensive study on the human-computer interface design. A touch display system basing on large wall as a projection medium is presented in this study. Using the technology of optical touch, the users can directly operate the objects projected on the screen. In the proposed interactive design, users present their own RFID tags to login the system. QR code, user behavior analysis, picture recommendation and other modules are integrated into the display system to enhance the interactivity. Using RFID to login the system can effectively manage the interactive system. QR code provides a medium for bridging the display system with handheld devices. User behavior analysis and picture recommendations are used to collect users’ touch behavior on clicking and dragging events on the screen. Those touch events are further analyzed in the back-end database by temporal data mining to extract interesting association rules. The proposed interaction interface is to separate the display screen into 4 sub-windows that provide multiple functions for users to browse simultaneously. Each sub-window has its own function and the upper right sub-window is designed for picture matching game for the purpose of learning through games. The visitors can memorize the contents of exhibitions through games. A practical and large touch display system is presented as well as users’ interactive behavior is analyzed by data mining to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system.


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