  • 學位論文

Two Mode 油電混合動力系統之最佳化控制策略

Optimal Control Strategy of Two Mode Hybrid System

指導教授 : 陳嘉勳


本研究透過對內燃機的扭力控制,實現最佳化控制策略,並達成油耗最佳化之目的,不同於以往,多數文獻以數值計算方法來對油電混合車進行最佳化演算,本研究針對內燃機的操作特性,選擇數個內燃機的高效率操作區間,讓內燃機運轉期間與此高效率操作區間重合,維持內燃機於高效率且省油的狀態。此種最佳化方法特點,不須透過數值方法的繁複計算,同時也能將車輛的燃油經濟性(fuel economy)由31.36 mpg (mile per gallon)提升33.99%至42.02 mpg,對於必須即時反應於汽車行進間之考量,可以有效的節省時間成本。本研究同時亦對內燃機使用模糊邏輯控制(fuzzy logic control)技術,依據目前行車狀態,即時判讀內燃機增減扭力及轉速的時機。 本研究之最佳化控制策略,應用於目前市佔率極高的-美國通用汽車Two Mode 油電混合動力系統,利用Matlab/Simulink 建立其正向式(forward)油電混合動力車之整車模型進行模擬,以驗證所提出策略之性能,以此研究對改善溫室效應惡化及推進社會福祉做出貢獻。


The purpose of this paper is to improve fuel economy of hybrid electric vehicle(HEV). An optimization of engine torque control is proposed in this study. Different from numerical optimization method, we select few high efficiency operation regions of internal combustion engine(ICE) and match ICE operation points as close to these selected high efficiency operation regions as possible. Through this optimization method in the study, it take less time to compare with numerical optimization method during optimal calculation and it improves fuel economy from 31.36 mpg(mile per gallon) to 42.02 mpg(33.99% improvement). It is more possible to realize the optimization strategy for real-time control. Besides optimization control, we also use fuzzy logic control(FLC) to identify whether to increase or decrease ICE power or not. In this paper, we realize the optimization method on GM AHS II(General Motor Allison Hybrid System II) which has a great market share by using Matlab/Simulink to construct forward HEV simulation model.


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