  • 學位論文


A Study on the Strategies of Corporate Social Responsibility for Insurance Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡憲倫




This study took the insurance industry in Taiwan as an example, and discussed the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable operations of the insurance industry. By literature review, Fuzzy Theory, and Delphi expert interview, this study constructed a set of constructs and indicator framework for measuring CSR and sustainable operation of the insurance industry in Taiwan. The results showed that among all constructs, the management construct is the most important, followed by the society construct, and finally the environment construct. The top five items in the sustainability framework are in the order of “immediate and regular disclosure of financial and non-financial information to ensure the transparency of ESG responsibility and information” (16.59%), “declaration by the top management concerning sustainable development strategies” (9.28%), “natural disaster risks” (7.16%), “rejection of corruption and bribery” (7.07%) and “environmental reports” (4.94%). The findings can serve as a reference for the insurance industry of Taiwan to promote CSR, in order to achieve sustainable operation.


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