  • 學位論文


A Study of Using Aquaponics Systems on the Urban Sustainable Campus

指導教授 : 宋立垚


魚菜共生(Aquaponics)為近年來新興起的農耕方式,透過水產養殖與水耕栽培的方式將兩者相互結合,形成互利共生之循環系統,若能將此概念應用及推廣於校園中,搭配學校課程與實際操作,落實環境教育並強化學生對於永續的認知,達到國家政策教育之目標及迎合世界永續潮流之趨勢。 本研究將藉由文獻回顧檢視魚菜共生相關技術類型,瞭解其操作原理與施作方式,並透過田野調查相關實際案例,歸納目前魚菜共生系統現況發展及運用情形,作為本研究魚菜共生應用於都市校園之基礎。再運用訪談法彙整產、官、學等各領域專家意見,質化分析魚菜共生系統應用於都市永續校園之推廣發展、規劃設計、環境教育及維護管理四大面向,探究執行面可能遭遇之問題與挑戰。 研究結果發現,目前臺灣魚菜共生系統之發展尚未普及,而校園魚菜共生系統建置考量之因素以陽光及人力為最大考量。經實際調查與專家訪談其研究建議為提升校園魚菜共生系統之能見度,並強化校園魚菜共生系統之教育意義,嘗試結合學校社團與周邊社區一同參與校園魚菜共生系統之營運,亦可考量系統與校園景觀之搭配,以營造永續、生態之校園環境,提供未來其他校園實施魚菜共生系統之參考依據。


Aquaponics is the rise in recent years, new farming practices, through aquaculture and hydroponics way the two interact to form the circulatory system of mutualism. If we can apply this concept and promotion on campus, with the school curriculum and the actual operation, the implementation of environmental education and sustainable strengthening students' cognitive, achieve the goal of national policy trends in the world of education and cater to the trend of sustainable development. This study will be a literature review related technical view aquaponics type, understand their operating principles and methods applied for and, through field research related to the actual case, summarized the current status of aquaponics system development and use cases, as in this study-based aquaponics used in urban campus. Then use interviews compiled from industry, government, academia expert advice in various fields, qualitative analysis of aquaponics system is applied to promote the development of sustainable urban campus, planning and design, environmental education and maintenance of the four-oriented, explore implementation issues and challenges encountered. The results showed that the current development of Taiwan aquaponics system is not yet universal, and campus building aquaponics system factors to consider are the maximum sunlight and human considerations. The practical survey and interviews with experts to recommend of promote the of campus aquaponics system visibility, and to strengthen educational campus aquaponics system, attempts to combine the school community and the surrounding communities to participate in the operation of the campus aquaponics system, the system can also be considered with the campus landscape to create a sustainable, eco-campus environment and provide reference for future implementation of other campuses aquaponics system.


3.農業知識入口網- 行政院農業委員會(檢索日期:2014/04/06)
