  • 學位論文


The Compareison of Physical Activity Levels and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Between Sedentary and Non-Sedentary Working Women

指導教授 : 蔡仁貞


本研究旨在比較坐式和非坐式工作型態婦女身體活動量及心血管疾病危險因子。以橫段式調查法,針對某有線電視公司女性內勤職員(坐式工作者)32人與某私立高職教師(非坐式工作者)31人進行資料收集。以身體活動七日回憶法問卷(7-dPAR)、及三度空間身體活動監控器(RT3)測量個案身體活動量,並收集研究對象之血壓、身體質量指數(BMI)、檢驗空腹血糖、血清總膽固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-C)與血清三酸甘油脂(TG)濃度。收集之資料以SPSS 11.5版統計軟體進行分析,統計方法有:描述性統計、卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、獨立t檢定(independent t-test)、費雪爾正確概率考驗(Fisher's exact probability test)和皮爾森相關(Pearson Correlation)。   研究結果發現:(1)坐式工作婦女在靜態收縮壓、空腹血糖和TG顯著的高於非坐式工作者。(2)RT3和7-dPAR所紀錄之個案一週的總身體消耗量(TEERT3,TEE7-d PAR)平均分別為229.4±18.9 kcal/kg/week和230.7±8.2 kcal/kg/week,兩組僅在TEERT3達顯著性差異,非坐式工作者在TEERT3明顯的比坐式工作者高。(3)婦女的TEERT3愈高者,其年齡、BMI、靜態血壓、TC、TG、LDL-C愈低,HDL-C愈高。婦女的TEE7-d PAR與心血管疾病危險因子無顯著相關。(4)非坐式工作型態婦女工作身體活動量顯著高於坐式工作者,婦女工作身體活動量愈高者,其BMI、靜態血壓和TG值愈低。(5)婦女工作時坐的平均時間愈長者,BMI和靜態收縮壓愈高,站的平均時間愈長,靜態收縮壓和TG愈低,而走動的平均時間愈長,BMI、靜態血壓和TG愈低。 研究結果顯示,非坐式工作型態婦女TEE與工作活動量比坐式工作者高,坐式工作型態之婦女在靜態收縮壓、空腹血糖和TG顯著高於非坐式工作型態之婦女,工作時身體活動量與工作時坐、站和走動的時間,皆與BMI、靜態血壓和TG有顯著相關。婦女TEE比工作時身體活動量對心血管危險因子的關係更明顯,故鼓勵婦女多增加總身體活動量。 關鍵字:身體活動量、心血管疾病危險因子、身體活動七日回憶法問卷、三度空間身體活動監控器RT3


The aim of this study is to see the comparison of women’s physical activity levels and their risk factors of cardiovascular diseases between sedentary and non-sedentary workingwomen. By using cross-sectional survey approach, the data were collected from 32 female employees having office duties (sedentary workingwomen) in a cable TV company and 31 teachers (non-sedentary workingwomen) in a private vocational senior high school. The physical activity levels of a case were measured by the questionnaire of Seven-day Physical Activity Recall (7-d PAR) and RT3 Triaxial accekerometers (RT3). Besides, for a subject of the research, her resting blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) were recorded, and her concentrations of fasting plasma blood sugar, blood total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglyceride (TG) were examined. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS statistics software of version 11.5 with the following statistical methods: descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent t-test, Fisher's exact probability test and Pearson Correlation. Results of the study showed: (1) Sedentary workingwomen had remarkably higher resting systolic pressure, fasting blood sugar and TG than the one of non-sedentary workingwomen. (2) TEERT3 and TEE7-d PAR for one week of the cases recorded by RT3 and 7-d PAR were averagely 229.4 ± 18.9 kcal/kg/week and 230.7 ± 8.2 kcal/kg/week, whereas the two groups only differed from each other in TEERT3 and TEERT3 of sedentary workingwomen were obviously higher than non-sedentary workingwomen. (3) The woman had higher TEERT3, her age, BMI, resting blood pressure, TC, TG and LDL-C were lower, and her HDL-C was higher. A woman’s TEE7-d PAR was not related to her risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. (4) Non-sedentary workingwomen had remarkably more physical activity at work than sedentary workingwomen did. For the woman had more physical activity at work, her BMI, resting blood pressure and TG values were lower. (5) The woman averagely sat longer during her work, her BMI and resting systolic blood pressure were higher; the woman averagely stood longer during her work, her resting systolic blood pressure and TG were lower, whereas the woman averagely walked longer during her work, her BMI, resting systolic blood pressure and TG were lower. It was shown in the result of this research that TEE and physical activity at work of the non-sedentary workingwomen were higher than those of sedentary workingwomen. The sedentary workingwomen had obviously higher resting systolic blood pressure, fasting blood sugar and TG than non-sedentary workingwomen. When working, the physical activity levels and the time of sitting, standing and walking were notably related to BMI, resting systolic blood pressure and TG. Remarkably, TEE for a woman played a more important role than her physical activity levels did to the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Thus, a woman is encouraged to increase her total physical activity levels. Keywords: physical activity levels, cardiovascular disease risk factors, Seven-day Physical Activity Recall, triaxial accelerometers


李碧霞( 2001 ) ˙中年人運動階段、身體活動度及其影響因素之研究~以台北市中山區居民為例˙未發表博士論文,國立台灣師範大學,臺北。 吳碧蓮(2002)˙國小學童母親運動行為認知及規律運動行為之探討˙未發表碩士論文,國立體育學院,台北。 邱啟潤、何啟功 ( 1998 ) ˙高雄地區上班族群生活型態、心血管疾病危險因子與健康狀況之研究˙高雄醫學科學雜誌,14,321-329。
收件者: " " 寄件者: "Jim Sallis" 主題: Re: a letter ask for 7 day-PAR permission Shu-Ling, You are most welcome to use the 7-day recall interview for your study. You can find complete information and materials in this paper: Sarkin, J., Campbell, J., Gross, L., Roby, J., Bazzo, S., Sallis, J., and Calfas, K. (1997). Project GRAD Seven-Day Physical Activity Recall Interviewer? Manual. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29 (Supplement), S91-S102. However, I would recommend that you consider using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). It has been validated in 12 countries, although the results are not published yet. You can find out more information and get forms from www.ipaq.ki.se Ying Mei Liou, who is also in Taiwan, is heading the translation and application of the IPAQ in your country. I suggest you contact her: ymliou2001@yahoo.com.tw She is organizing an international meeting in April 2003 that I will be attending. IPAQ will be on the agenda. I hope this is helpful. Good luck in your studies. Please check my website (below) for access to other surveys we have developed or used. JSallis
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參考資料 中文部分: 王宗道 ( 2002 ) ˙動脈硬化之研究與治療的心境界˙臺北市醫師公會會刊,46(2),34-37。
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