  • 學位論文


Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Self-Care in Schizophrenic Patients With Diabetes

指導教授 : 鄭綺
共同指導教授 : 陳淑如(Su-Ru Chen)


糖尿病是精神分裂症患者常見的生理合併症之一,且其發生率遠高於一般人口,良好的糖尿病病情控制則需要高度自我效能與自我照顧。因此,本研究主要目的在探討精神分裂症合併糖尿病患者之糖尿病自我效能、自我效能訊息來源、自我照顧情形及其相關性。採橫斷式、描述性、相關性研究設計。研究對象為北部某醫學中心具精神分裂症合併糖尿病診斷的患者,採立意取樣,共收取101位個案。研究工具包括糖尿病自我效能量表、自我效能訊息來源量表與自我照顧量表。以SPSS15.0軟體進行統計分析,描述性分析包括:百分比、平均值及標準差,而推論性分析包括:t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關性分析及逐步複回歸分析等。 研究結果發現:一、糖尿病自我效能平均得分為109.55±41.19分,以糖尿病治療自我效能最高,血糖與足部監測部份自我效能最低。二、糖尿病自我照顧平均得分為26.96±7.33分,以藥物治療自我照顧最佳,血糖監測自我照顧最差。三、教育程度對糖尿病自我效能呈顯著差異,而年齡、性別、BMI、糖尿病罹病年數、吸煙狀況與糖尿病自我照顧呈顯著正相關。四、糖尿病之自我效能訊息來源、自我效能與自我照顧呈顯著正相關。五、糖尿病自我效能與性別為預測糖尿病自我照顧行為的重要因子。 本研究結果將使精神科醫護人員更加瞭解精神分裂症合併糖尿病患者的糖尿病自我照顧現象及疾病管理的信心,可做為臨床提供個案糖尿病照護之依據,以及未來進行介入性措施之參考。


Diabetes is common in schizophrenia patients, and its incidence is much higher than that of the general population. To control the disease of diabetes requires a high degree of self-efficacy and good self-care. The main purpose of this study is to understand diabetes self-efficacy, self-efficacy information sources, and self-care situation in schizophrenia patients with diabetes. This study is in a cross-sectional, descriptive, correlation design, and sample was recruited from Taipei City Hospital, with a total of 101 patients participated in this study. The instruments used in this study included the Diabetes Self-Efficacy(DSE) scale, the self-efficacy information source scale and the Summary Diabetes Self-Care Activity(SDSCA) scale. Statistical analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential analysis included t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the mean score of DSE is 109.55 ± 41.19 points. The highest DSE score was medical treatment of diabetes. In contrast, blood sugar and feet check gets the lowest DSE score. The mean score of diabetes self-care is 26.96 ± 7.33 points, as medications get the highest score and the blood sugar testing the lowest. A significant difference was found between educational level and self-efficacy, and a significant positive correlation in diabetes self-care with age, gender, BMI, years of diabetes comorbidity, and smoking status. The sources of diabetes self-efficacy information and self-care show a significant positive correlation with self-efficacy. Self-efficacy status and gender can predict self-care. Therefore, the results of this study provide references to better understand schizophrenia patients with diabetes and to develop intervention for patients.


self efficacy self care schizophrenia diabetes


王雪鳳、陳宇嘉、 劉波兒、劉麗芳(2009).第2型糖尿病自我效能相關性之探討.弘光學報,56,1-14。
