  • 學位論文

Pattern of computer and internet use among medical students Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Pattern of computer and internet use among medical students Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

指導教授 : 徐建業


Background: The use of computers among medical students is increasing therefore we carried out a cross sectional study in Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan.This study borders on assessing medical students use of computer and internet in one of the medical schools in Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan Methods: The total number of 300 medical students from one medicals school but from differenet departments in Bishkek,participated in the study.The year of medical students were from 1st to 6th year.A pre-tested semistrucured quiestionnaire were used to collect data and data analysis were done using SPSS version 20. Results: Mojority of participants in our study were from the age group 21-22 years,constituting 100(33.3%).Majority of medical students according to the year have computers.According to the year of study the computer use for academic purpose of prefinal and final year medical students were high. For getting required information the internet were higher (55.3%)among 1st,2nd,3rd year students.Reason for preferring internet over textbook 64.7% among prefinal and final year medical students and 48.0% of 1st,2nd,3rd year medical students prefer internet over textbook because of the easy accessibility. Conslusion: In this study significant relationship demonstrated according to the year of study and the purpose of the pattern of computer and internet use.According to the year of study as in a student’s progress the parten of computer and internet use for entertaiment was decrising and use for academic purpose and information for small projects work is increasing.


Background: The use of computers among medical students is increasing therefore we carried out a cross sectional study in Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan.This study borders on assessing medical students use of computer and internet in one of the medical schools in Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan Methods: The total number of 300 medical students from one medicals school but from differenet departments in Bishkek,participated in the study.The year of medical students were from 1st to 6th year.A pre-tested semistrucured quiestionnaire were used to collect data and data analysis were done using SPSS version 20. Results: Mojority of participants in our study were from the age group 21-22 years,constituting 100(33.3%).Majority of medical students according to the year have computers.According to the year of study the computer use for academic purpose of prefinal and final year medical students were high. For getting required information the internet were higher (55.3%)among 1st,2nd,3rd year students.Reason for preferring internet over textbook 64.7% among prefinal and final year medical students and 48.0% of 1st,2nd,3rd year medical students prefer internet over textbook because of the easy accessibility. Conslusion: In this study significant relationship demonstrated according to the year of study and the purpose of the pattern of computer and internet use.According to the year of study as in a student’s progress the parten of computer and internet use for entertaiment was decrising and use for academic purpose and information for small projects work is increasing.


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