  • 學位論文


Child, Symbolic consumption and consumption practice : The case study of “ Macdonald ”

指導教授 : 王俐容


台灣地區飲食消費模式與食物品味偏好的整體結構歷經了相當劇烈的變化,速食已成為飲食消費的一環。本研究欲瞭解兒童速食消費的影響因素、麥當勞符號消費現象、麥當勞電視廣告的方面,首先以焦點團體訪談兒童消費速食概況發現:家庭消費型態影響極大,無論是吃速食的頻率,或是對速食的觀感,都受父母的控制與規定。訪談也發現由於家庭的影響,兒童吃速食的頻率大部分都是幾個月或是一年才吃幾次。而隨著年紀的增長,六年級的青少年速食消費情形已由同儕團體逐漸取代和家人的互動,不過仍要視家庭狀況而定,父母的影響力仍大。在廣告方面雖然兒童們認為廣告對其並無影響,但訪談也發現最新、有趣的廣告最能吸引兒童的目光,麥當勞廣告仍成功的將「M」符號滲入兒童的心中,兒童對麥當勞的印象大多從「M」出發。 我們生活在一個被商品廣告完全滲透的社會,幾乎是不可能完全免於或極少受到商品廣告的影響,為探求商品符號運作的邏輯,故挑選與家庭、學校、群體等有關的麥當勞廣告作為詮釋文本的對象,藉由符號學分析求得其中符號意義的存在;加上兒童為閱聽者,作為研究的題材。透過文本分析,歸納出麥當勞廣告所欲傳達的意識,接著運用焦點團體之方式,以了解兒童對於麥當勞電視廣告符號消費意涵的解讀與接收情形。


兒童 消費實踐 麥當勞 電視廣告


Radical Change rises in both Taiwanese dieting style and consuming pattern. Fast food has become a part of overall dietary consumption. Radical Change rises in both Taiwanese dieting style and consuming pattern. Fast food has become a part of overall dietary consumption.To learn the fastfood comsumption of the children, this article starts with interviewing children about their general situation of consuming fastfood. We learn that, above all, the consuming pattern of the family is the conclusive factor of the children's fastfood consumption .Both the frequency to eat fastfood and to receive impressions to fastfood are controlled by their parents. In the interview we also discover that due to the family discipline, children does not eat fastfood as much as we think. Mostly children eat fastfood once in few months or several times in a year. As children grow up ,the six-grade teenagers tend to consume with the peer-group instead of with their parents. During this age, children consume from their parents. Although children think that TV commercials does not affect them while they make decisions, the interview also finds that the latest and the most interesting TV commercials can attract most of the children's attention, the McDonalds still put the M symbol into children's impression, that is, children's impression to McDonald almost all starts from a big word M. People live in a community which is completely infiltrated by advertisement. Almost everything is impacted by commodity advertisement. In this study,we choose the McDonald's commercials which were related to family、school and certain groups to define this study;adding children as readers and listeners to be the text of the study.Through our study,we can conclude what image the Mc's advertisements are trying to express,and then use the group focus methods to know the conprehension and reception of the children to the symbolic consumption of McDonald's TV commericals. In the role of the mainstream ideology, to express the image of gender roles and temperament in a very limited time, McDonald's commercials, in fact, set up many myths of the community or of the preconceived thoughts. Gender myths also impact on children. Although children act actively during the interviews, i.e., children consume on their own initiatives with advertising signs impact, children not only buy McDonald's under the symbols calls, but also buy McDonald's under the marketing strategy or environmental factors. TV Commercials manipulate symbols to create different consumers’ images. Children exercise limited rights on their own to purchase McDonald's if children are under such a broadcasting strategy to purely call out the consumer's desire.


Children consumption practice TV Commercials


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