  • 學位論文


Human Communication Models and the Factors Affecting the Attitudes Toward Electronic Medium Choices

指導教授 : 曾盛恕 博士


人際溝通是促進人類歷史進展乃至整個社會文明進步的最關鍵要素,人際溝通不僅是一種行為的表達,更是一種觀念或訊息的雙向交流與傳遞。而通訊科技發展最根本的核心價值,是要讓使用者能夠更方便與更有效的溝通。因此,本研究企圖將以使用者的觀點,在為達到良好溝通效果的目的下,針對近年來五種新興電子溝通媒介所提供的效能,檢驗它們在何種溝通對象與何種事件背景與狀況之下是最被偏愛的溝通媒介或溝通工具。 使用者的觀點是以訊息的模糊程度、溝通事件的正式性程度與不同的溝通對象為自變數,以問卷取樣與變異數分析方法分別檢驗如電子郵件,即時通訊、網路攝影機、網路電話與多點視訊會議等五種新興電子溝通媒介。故本實驗為2(訊息模糊程度)× 2(溝通事件正式性程度)× 3(溝通對象)之三因子實驗設計(Factorial Design),來觀察此五個因變數的統計結果。 最後根據研究結果發現,在溝通訊息模糊的情況下,電子郵件與網路攝影機會對溝通訊息的模糊程度具有影響並產生差異;而即時通訊、網路電話與多點視訊會議則不會對溝通訊息的模糊程度具有影響並產生差異。在溝通事件的正式性程度上,即時通訊與多點視訊會議會對溝通事件的正式性程度具有影響並產生差異;而電子郵件、網路攝影機與網路電話不會對溝通事件的正式性程度具有影響並產生差異。在溝通對象不同的情況下,即時通訊、網路攝影機與多點視訊會議會對溝通對象的不同具有影響並產生差異;而電子郵件與網路電話不會對溝通對象的不同具有影響並產生差異。


The interpersonal communication is the most essential factor that is from the progresses of human history to the entire social civilization. The interpersonal communication is not only the expression of the behavior but also the concept or message of two way exchange and the transmission. The communication technology will be the most basic core value. It must enable each user to be more convenient and more effective communication. Therefore, this research attempts by user’s viewpoint, in order to achieve the good communication under the goal and the potency, we used the recently five kinds of communications media to see their performance. Meanwhile, we examined them under which kind of communication party and which kind of the event background and communication tool they have been used mostly. From the user point of view, we took the “the blurred level of message”, “the formal level of communication event” and “the different communication party” as the variable factor. Also, asked the volume sample and the variation number in order to examine the five kinds of communication media like the email, the instantly messaging, the webcamming, the VoIP and Video Conference Call. Thus, this experiment was used 2 (the blur level of message) × 2 (the official level of the communication event)× 3 (communication party) as the three Factorial Design, in order to observe the statistical result of these five factors. Finally, from the analysis, we discovered 1. Under the blurred level of message - the email and the webcamming could make the affect and the difference. But the instant messaging, VoIP and Video conference call could not will not make any affect and difference. 2. Under the formal level of the communication event - the instant messaging and video conference call could make the affect and the difference. But the email, the webcamming and the VoIP could not make any affect and difference. 3. Under the communication party, the instant messaging, the webcam and Video Conference call could make the affect and the different. But the email and VoIP could not make any affect and difference。


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