  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 湯玲郎


摘 要 本研究探討針對原住民學區內師生互動之良率,可能會影響教學成效,進而五育能均衡發展,但如何建構其模式呢?個人在時點上,以課前互動、課中互動、課後互動、假日互動與假期互動,期師生雙向溝通建立厚植感情,進而達到教學成效,而建構互動模式又以生活關懷、精神關心、作息關注與親子關切,四個因變數來交互運用而達五育均衡發展之目標。 本研究方法採行為研究法,以文獻探討及實地訪視法再配合觀察法交互運用,期能瞭解真象,對症下藥。問卷調查對象以桃、竹、苗原住民學區國中教師之教學成效為主。問卷上亦從各個因素如師生互動良率是否影響教學成效,做一全方位設計,亦期達師生互動相關因子之關係,而建立良性之互動。教學成效設計如升學率之提升,學生良好行為之養成,其成效的表示等等,本研究歸納四種模式包括: 1. 生活關懷模式重雙向關懷,教師關懷學生,學生亦關懷教師。 2. 精神關懷模式以教師單向關心學生,學生受惠為準。 3. 作息關注模式亦以單向關心學生,學生僅受而不授。前兩者深怕會造成師生戀,而以教師主動較佳。 4. 親子關切模式則採雙向式,教師站在如父、母、兄、姊立場來關切學生,學生亦可關切教師,親子間較難有戀情之出現。 經本文研究結果發現教育工作又添了一項教學成效的管道,原住民樂天知命的天性,可謂優勢儘予發揮,但劣勢則喜修正,則原住民教育才有生機、競爭力。 師生互動雖是良法美意,但執行要因勢利導,隨時在變的多元文化時代,師生互動亦伴隨有因時、因地、因人之不同,而有變化。所以身為教育界的老師,要有兼顧傳統良好風俗與創新教學理念,隨時接受任何挑戰的準備。尤其在原住民學區,期盼藉此達到有效的教學管理目的,而提高學生五育均衡的發展與教學成效。


師生互動 原住民


Abstract ( 摘 要 ) The study refers to the interaction between teachers and students, which will have impact on teaching effectiveness in aboriginal school region. To build the behavior pattern, inter-action before class, in class, after class, on holidays, in vacation are a must of teaching by building interaction patterns. The inter-action patterns consists of life-caring, spirit-caring, learning caring & parent-like caring. The proper & alternate use of the four patterns. These patterns will result in well-balanced education in five areas. This study is behaviorism oriented, empathizing the research of papers and records, personal visit approach, than corresponded with observation approach. So the true reality will be out and proper resolutions will come up with solution of the existing problems. The questionnaire will be within the boundary of Taoyuan, Hsin-Chu & Miaoli. The effectiveness of the teaching of the teachers in this area will be the target of the questionnaire. All elements of teaching will be included in the questionnaire – the design of teaching effectiveness, such as the lift of admission rate of the students, the cultivation of the good behavior of the student, and the demonstration of its effectiveness. Interaction between teachers and students in aboriginal school region will be the first concern for a well-rounded planning. To build positive interaction between students and teachers is the means to the goal – success and effective teaching. This study results in the following four concrete working patterns : 1. Life-caring pattern empathizes two-way care-the teacher protect and cares for students and the student respects the teacher. 2. Spirit-caring pattern forcuses the love of the teacher to students and the students benefit from their care and love. It is a one-way caring. 3. Learning-caring pattern also empathizes one-way caring in order to avoid improper affairs between teachers and students. 4. Parent-like caring pattern can be two-way love. The teacher treats his or her students as family members – children, brothers or sisters. Improper feelings and love will be avoided. Students also treat their teachers as their elders or seniors. From this study we will find that the educators will see a new possibility to help students in aboriginal school region by making good use of the happy and easy-going nature of the aborigines to develop their strength and get rid of their weakness. The education of the aborigines will be full of new vitality and competitiveness in this ever-changinging and pluralistic society. The interaction between teachers and students means good and is our ideal in teaching but the educators should provide incentives to their achievements. It also varies with the difference of time, place and people. As a teacher today, he has to take both traditional customs and the new teaching approaches into consideration and practice and be always ready to accept challenges for effective teaching. This study is specially designed to apply to the school region for aborigines to attain the educational goals – for the teachers in this region to teach effectively and for the administrators to manage efficiently – to ensure the well-balanced development of students both memtally and physically, in morality and in knowledge.




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