  • 學位論文


Movement of the “Neighborhood Watch” Program — A Review and Suggestions

指導教授 : 李伯謙


鄰里守望相助組織的推動-檢討與建議 學生:林勝議 指導教授:李伯謙 元智大學管理研究所 摘 要 由於社會民心「望治心切」,因而職司維持社會治安的警察機關在此時不得不在治安策略上更加精進努力、謀求良策,使民眾的日常生活遠離犯罪的侵害,以爭取提高民眾對於政府及警察機關的信賴。民國84、85年間相繼發生多起嚴重影響社會的刑案後,政府於民國85年12月乃由行政院召開「全國治安會議」,會後重要決議之一便是積極推行社區守望相助。然而,社區守望相助在台灣地區推行多年之後,其成效尚不明顯,如何找出可改進之方向與作法應是極為重要的事。本論文之研究除以文獻探討的方式來認識國內外有關社區守望相助之理論與實務外,並針對第一線之鄰里長實施問卷調查,以了解地方上推動守望相助組織有何困難與需求。具體而論,本項調查之重點在發掘有關推動守望相助工作中,民眾對裝備、人員、經費、執勤方式的看法與意見,所獲得之結果,可供日後推展守望相助組織之參考與改進方向。


Movement of the “Neighborhood Watch” Program — A Review and Suggestions Student: Sheng-Yi LinAdvisor: Po-chien Li, Ph.D. Graduate School of Management Yuan Ze University ABSTRACT Over the last several years, our people have expressed their eagerness to have a safer living environment. Under tremendous pressure, the police administration has recognized that it needs to devote more efforts and look for better ways to carry out its primary missions: enforce social order and maintain public security. It is certain that our citizens’ confidence in the government and police administration will continue to decrease when they live under the shadow of becoming victims of criminal activities. In view of several serious criminal events occurred during the period between 1995 and 1996, the Executive Yuan assembled a national conference on public security in December of 1996. One of the major conclusions of this meeting was to develop and promote the “Neighborhood Watch” program in our communities. However, due to little progress made following its kick-off, there appears a strong need to review the important policy and identify what factors have inhibited its development in Taiwan. The purpose of the study is two folds. First, through a review of the literature, we like to have a better understanding of the history and practices of “Neighborhood Watch” in a number of different countries. Second, a questionnaire survey is administered for obtaining better insights into the difficulties and expectations of moving forward the program. More specifically, the study has chosen to focus on the four different aspects associated with the “Neighborhood Watch” program: equipment, personnel, funding, and organization of execution. It is hoped that the results of this research may provide useful information for further advancement of the program in our country.


【2】Skolnick,J.H. and Bayley,D.H. New Blue Line:Police Innovation in Six American Cities, New York, 1986。
【3】Bayley,D.H. International Differences in Community Policing In Rosenbaum,Thousand Oaks, CA.1994。
【4】Bayley,D.H. Forces of Order:Police Behavior in Japan and the United States, The University of California, CA.1976。
