  • 學位論文


Competitiveness Analysis for the Furniture Investment in Vietnam-The Case of A Company

指導教授 : 郭文忠
共同指導教授 : 徐學忍(Hsueh Jen-Hsu)


摘 要 台商轉往越南投資日益普遍,本研究旨在就家具製造業移往越南作產業與個案公司之探討。一方面介紹越南之投資環境,討論台商之家具業製造公司赴越南投資提出優劣比較,另一方面也就兩家代表性個案公司深入討論赴越投資之競爭力分析,並訪談實務界資深人士,了解家具產業如何因應環境變化,制定合宜之經營方針訂定策略計畫以及具競爭力之經營模式。 在越南投資大環境方面,本文認為越南之優勢方面:越南具有工資便宜、勞工年輕素質高、政治穩定、文化與華人相類似等優勢。在劣勢方面:研究整理也發現越南行政效率低、基礎建設落後、法令不透明且易朝令夕改以及有外人投資限制。此外,本文也討論越南當地新的通膨及罷工問題。 本研究亦藉由Porter之五力分析討論家具製造產業之競爭力。如潛在進入者-進入障礙如下,由於家具業屬勞力密集,需往人工成本優勢、需要土地面積大,資本額高,資金週轉需求大、故進入障礙高。此外,家具業建立品牌知名度不易、行銷至歐美市場困難度高。在現存廠商之競爭強度-競爭強度決定因素,本文也發現該產業成長趨緩,原材料取得不易,附加價值相對低等。在供應商力量決定因素方面,本文發現供應商供貨品質與季節採收有關、供應商大都集中在木材生產區或家具製造區,具群聚效應、上下游整合以掌控原料品質為家具業未來的趨勢。在替代威脅的決定因素方面,本文發現該產業新趨勢為可用其他材質替代如塑化材料、金屬材料,而且客戶對經過設計之替代材料接受度高。在客戶的議價能力方面,本文發現過去台商市場多集中於美國之家具代工,然而較少可達到歐盟之環保與品質嚴格標準,加上歐美需求減緩,代工毛利呈現降低現象。 最後,本研究亦就兩家代表性進行個案分析,提出兩公司之差異。並將本文主要研究結果進行訪談,多數結果獲得訪談者之驗證。


Abstract Considering Taiwanese businessman has recently turned to invest in Vietnam, the main purpose of the research is to discuss the competitive analysis of the furniture industry in Vietnam. It first introduces the investment environment in Vietnam and the advantage and disadvantage for furniture firms. Then this study explores the case study of two representative companies and conducts competitive analysis on the furniture industry in Vietnam. It further confirms our analysis by in-depth interview with the professional senior in the furniture industry. The result of the overall investment environment in Vietnam suggests several advantages including low-cost, youthful and high quality labor, steady policy, and similar culture with China. There also find several disadvantages which include low efficiency in administration, least-developed infrastructure, non-transparent law and decree, and unstable policy and regulation. It also has some limitations for foreign investment. This thesis addresses some new problems include inflation and labor strikes. The research also uses Porter’s framework to analysis the competitiveness of the furniture manufacturing industry. Firstly, the entry obstacles for the potential entrants include labor intensiveness, the reliability on the advantages of labor cost, necessary land input and capital turnover needs. Therefore, there exist some entry obstacles. The marketing is also difficult for a new entrant to build up their brand awareness and sell their products to Europe market. Secondly, the determinant of competition strength is found to be related to low growth in the furniture industry, difficult access to the material, and low margin. Thirdly, the determinant of suppliers is associated with significant clustering effects. Therefore, it is observed that firms tend to integrate the upstream and downstream in order to control the material quality. Fourthly, the determinant of alternative threat is found that a new trend of the industry is to use other material such as plastic material, metal material, and customer can highly accept designed alternative materials. Finally, very limited bargaining power for the customers is found for most Taiwan OEM companies. Furthermore, a case study on two representative firms and in-depth interview are presented in this thesis. Most of the research results have been confirmed by in-depth interview.


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