  • 學位論文


A study of the relationship among personality characteristics, job characteristics and job satisfaction - A case of congress liaison staff

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


由國會生態及行政與立法互動關係來看國會聯絡人的重要性,國會聯絡機制在於連結行政部門與立法部門的重要平台,是立法與行政互動的重要中介機制,更是政策合法化的推手,國會聯絡重要性的改變,為政黨政治發展史的縮影。惟組織專業知識與技能容易被訓練,而人格特質、自我概念、動機等個別差異,不易被改變。除大環境因素之選制、選區重劃後新局勢引起許多制度面待克服的問題外,議題爭議性、涵蓋範圍甚至委員涉入程度等諸多因素糾葛下,該工作顯比一般公務人員所面臨的環境富有挑戰性、多樣化、機動性及任務特殊性,因此,聯絡人面臨的環境與工作內容都比較非結構化和例行性,也一致認為是擔任公職所從事工作中最為特殊的差事。 員工的工作滿足感不僅會影響其留任意願,更關係著工作團隊的士氣與效能的提升。Hackman & Oldham(1975)認為工作特性之改進,能夠激起每位工作者的工作動機,使其有更高的工作滿意,另有研究者發現,由於工作者個別的人格特質有所差異,會導致對於這項工作的滿足程度有所不同。是以,除強調員工滿意、授權自主、溝通信任及激勵支持等管理原則外,品質管理與規劃工作亦需考量個人特質、心理因素、組織文化及工作特性等差異。但迄今將屬於企業管理、品質管理、人力資源管理、或組織行為等領域研究提到的相關概念,導入公部門與不同職務功能人員做整合性或比較性論證研究卻相當貧乏;因此,本研究將以公部門之國會聯絡人為受試樣本,針對其人格特質、工作特性、工作滿意度等三個構面及其關聯性進行探討。有效樣本為249份,並選用適當測量工具進行施測,研究發現,四項研究假設均成立,經驗證國會聯絡人的人格特質會影響其工作特性,人格特質同時會影響其工作滿意度,工作特性會影響工作滿意度,並且人格特質會透過工作特性,對工作滿意度產生影響;這顯示員工個人特質差異能夠影響工作特性選擇及最後工作結果(包含工作滿意度),亦可間接透過其工作特性而影響到個人工作滿意度。 國會聯絡人各構面關聯性研究結果發現,和善性及開放性的人格特質、工作完整性及工作自主性的工作特性與內、外在工作滿意度之間分別呈現出顯著相關,即某種特質員工搭配某種工作特性而有某種良性正向結果。本研究除驗證上述三者的關聯性外,亦表示傳統聯絡機制強調的人際關係(公關)與工作自主(強調授權)確實存在。另外,人口統計變項所呈現的結構分布(高學歷與歷練年資),亦顯示人力發展基礎相當良好。且參與政黨活動的比率亦屬少數,國會聯絡環境雖屬高度政治化,但國會聯絡人在政黨人數的結構分佈上仍屬正常。另外,在職場情境影響方面,員工自我人格特質認知較傾向會受到「職場經歷」與「公私場合」的影響,較不利於「特質論」或「五大人格模式」基本假定。 綜上,提出五項具體建議: 一、利用人格特質(尤其是和善性、神經質與開放性)來搭配工作型態,並建議宜採「人格同質性團隊」模式運作。 二、利用工作特性(尤其是工作完整性、工作重要性、工作自主性、工作回饋性)來提升工作滿意度。 三、避免科層體制的僵化與聯絡員的永業化。 四、建構學習型組織並加強教育訓練。 五、建立激勵機制。


Because parliament liaison played a very important role in the environment of Congress and the relationship between Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan, the mechanism in Congress was important platform and intermediation linking the department of Executive with the department of Legislative. It was also the push of policy legalization and the epitome of party politics’ history. Besides the electoral systems, the regulation of the change in the redrawn constituencies, critical issues in legislator involvement and so on, the work of parliament liaison became more challenging, diversified and special than ordinary public jobs. Therefore, liaison faced the unstable environment and unstructured and non-routine work. It was consider the most special task in the publics. Then job satisfaction would not only affect the willing to stay in the same company, but also have influence on teams’ morale and efficiency. So this research tried to distinguish the relationships among personality traits, job characteristics and job satisfaction. In this research, we collected the data from questionnaire and the valid samples were 249 and used SPSS13.0 to analyze these data. From the result of analysis, the personality traits of parliament liaison would influence job characteristics and job satisfaction at the same time. Besides that, job characteristics also had influences on job satisfaction. In addition, personality traits also had impact on job satisfaction through job characteristics. It revealed the personality traits of employees would affect the choice of job characteristics and the result of job, including job satisfaction. We could give five suggestions from analyzing the data. The first was using personality traits to match different jobs and suggesting personality homogeneous team to operate. The second was increasing job satisfaction through job characteristics. The third was preventing the hierarchy organization structure. The fourth was constructing learning organization and strengthening education and training. The fifth was building the mechanism of motivation.


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26.車先蕙、李燦如、帥文慧、陳正文與張明玲譯(2004),《人格理論》,Duane Schultz and Sydney Ellen Schultz 著,Theories of Personality,台北:揚智,293-359 。


