  • 學位論文


A study of market segmentation on innovative product:An example of LCD TV

指導教授 : 沈永正


近十年來,平面電視逐漸發展,主要產品有液晶電視(LCD_TV),電漿電視(PDP),投影電視,但是因為液晶電視是由小尺寸往大尺寸發展,而電漿電視是以大型電視為發展對象,市面上需要40吋以上產品的家庭比例較少,加上液晶電視投資廠商比電漿電視多,因此液晶電視因為經濟規模及市場需求因素,使產品快速降價,迅速在市場上佔有一定市佔率,因此本研究將著重於消費者對液晶電視需求的探討。 本研究以消費者的立場來探討消費者對液晶電視購買意願分析,經由比較消費者人口統計,生活型態,創新產品採用階段,社經地位,等相關資料,進而預估下一階段消費者的特性,提供為廠商制定行銷策略時所採用。本研究以問卷調查方式進行,問卷共計回收295份,實得有效問卷總計274份。研究使用SPSS 12.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,統計方法包含敘述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、變異數分析和卡方檢定。 本研究結果顯示出消費者性別,婚姻狀況,子女年齡,家庭年收入等人口統計變數,消費者收入及職業兩項社經地位,及消費者不同創新採用階段對消費者購買意願有顯著差異。另外以消費者不同創新採用階段為區隔,可以區分出消費者在性別,年齡,婚姻狀況,學歷,個人年收入,家庭年收入會有顯著差異。以消費者不同高低購買意願為區隔,可以區分出消費者在性別,育有未成年子女,婚姻狀況,職業,會有顯著差異。 整體而言,創新性產品在推出不同階段時,會有不同市場區隔,而且消費者也會有不同購買障礙,廠商推出新產品時應該針對該階段消費者需求,推出滿足消費者的產品。


In recent years, the flat television was developed very well, the main products are LCD_TV, PDP and rejection TV.The LCD_TV was developed from small size to large size, but the PDP was developed from large size. There are many firms invest the LCD industry, so the LCD’s price is cheaper than others, and the LCD TV’s marker share is higher than other’s product. The focus of the study is to discuss the customer’s requirement in LCD TV. The study is to discuss the purchasing preference on LCD_TV base on customer’s point. To compare people statistics, life style, social economic status, and to finding out the customer’s characters of next generation. And provide the suggestion to vendors. The thesis is to use questionnaires, and the got samples are 295 copies and the valid samples are 274 copies. The data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 windows version, all data are analyzed with the following methods: Descriptive analysis, T test, and chi-square test. The major findings for the research are as follows: There are some differences in sex, marriage, childern’s age, home’s income, personal’s income, occupation, and innovate usage status. Base on different innovation stage, there are some difference in sex, age, marriage, education degree, personal income and home’s income. Base on purchase preference, there are some difference in sex, children’s age, marriage, occupation. To sum up, there is different market segnment in different stage, and the barrier is different for different stage’s customer. The supplier must provide different product to meet the customer’s request. Keywords: LCD TV, Innoation product, Purchase barrier, Market Segnment, Individual innovativeness.


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