  • 學位論文


The Study of Customer’s Value from Environmental Product through the Means-End Chains Approach - A Case of Hybrid Electrical Vehicle

指導教授 : 沈永正


近幾個世紀來科技的發達,徹底改變了人類的生活,也造就了高度的經濟成長,並更加速地消耗地球的自然資源。隨著綠色消費運動的興起,消費者和企業越來越重視環境所受到的影響,然而環保產品給予消費者貴的、不耐用或成本高的特點,使得綠色市場的表現令人失望。因此,瞭解消費者購買產品所滿足心中的價值,在行銷上是值得重視的。 本研究以油電混合車為例,藉由方法目的鏈模式瞭解消費者在購買時,所重視的屬性、結果、價值,以及其間之關聯性。並以人格特質為自變數,探討低利他消費者、高利他消費者,是否表現出不同的價值結構。本研究結果發現,消費者所重視的油電混合車屬性、結果、價值之方法目的鏈,確實存在。就整體樣本而言,其中在油電混合車屬性與結果相關分析中,以「環保先趨者(Pioneer)」與「公益性結果」相關程度最高;而在結果與價值相關分析中,以「公益性結果」與「環保價值」相關程度最高;在油電混合車屬性與價值相關分析中,以「環保價值」與「低污染、少污染」相關程度最高。具有不同人格特質(低利他者、高利他者)之消費者,確實表現出不同的價值結構。


The development of technology in past centuries has radically changed the life of people, resulted in high economic growth, and accelerated the consumption of natural resources on earth. Emerging green consumption makes consumers and enterprises pay more and more attention to the impact on environment, however, expensive, non-durable, and high-cost green products disappoint consumers in the performance of green market. Therefore, understanding customer’s value satisfied by purchased products is very important and valuable in marketing. This research is to study the correlation between attributes of hybrid electrical vehicle, consequences, and personal values in consumer’s buying decision by the means-end chain method. Consumer’s personality is used as an independent variable to explore whether or not high-altruistic and low-altruistic consumers demonstrate different value structures. The result shows that mean-end chain of the attributes of hybrid electrical vehicle, consequences, and personal values that consumer value does exist. In the analysis between the attributes of hybrid electrical vehicle and consequences, pioneer on environment and public interests have the highest degree of correlation. In the analysis between consequences and personal values, public interests and environmental protection value have the highest degree of correlation. In the analysis between personal values and the attributes of hybrid electrical vehicle, low and less pollution and environmental protection value have the highest degree of correlation. Different consumer’s personalities (high-altruistic and altruistic characteristics) do show different value structures.


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