  • 學位論文

金控體制下,銀行企業金融業務經營 策略之研究-以TF銀行為例

Under the financial holding company, the research of the strategies of corporate banking business -Take TF bank as an example

指導教授 : 李弘暉


民國80年代因政府開放新銀行設立,造成金融業的激烈競爭,銀行為求生存,忽略風險控管,導致逾放比過高,部份體質弱的銀行面臨倒閉危機,政府為防止金融危機,催生金融控股公司法的實施及鼓勵金融業合併,目前有14家金控公司,未來希望透過整併達到理想家數為7家,而整併的效益莫過於成本下降、增加通路、整合行銷及跨售的績效。另2005年國內爆發雙卡(信用卡及現金卡)危機,以消金為主的金融業(如台新銀行、中信銀行及萬泰銀行)損失慘重,各銀行因而轉向穩健經營的企業金融業務,然而企業戶的籌資方式及理財規劃近年來已有相當大的變化,銀行業為順應時代潮流及提高競爭力,莫不運用金控資源進行整合行銷及組織改革。 本研究採個案探討法,針對F金控旗下TF銀行企業金融業務之內、外環境透過SWOT分析、五力分析及行銷組合提出建議如下: 內部管理: 一、加強風險控管機制及行銷端與審查端的雙向溝通。 二、建立分行間版塊的合作及分潤制度,避免因版塊區分造成客戶 的不便。 行銷管理: 一、補充人力,協助RM徵信及資料收集等文書工作,讓行銷RM專心 於業務開發。 二、業務部門與產品部門的合作,避免爭功邀寵情形發生。 三、績效考核公平性,激勵前端行銷人員。 四、為提升組織陣容,增加產品線及競爭力,對外延攬新的經營團 隊,進行組織改革,惟需留意新團隊到位導致原組織的的人心 浮動及升遷管道的公平暢通,避免優秀人才的流失。 五、整合金控資源,以適度的價格戰帶來更多的跨售商機。 商品營運管理: 一、建置完整創新的金融商品與服務平台,以吸引更多客戶群。 二、依客戶群需要,評估海外分行的增設,以免喪失大型集團企業 全球化的商機。 三、在政府尚未開放大陸政策前,尋找大陸業務合作夥伴以因應台 商需求。 四、著重可掌握企業金流的重點商品行銷規劃,例如Factoring業 務、進出口押匯業務及外匯之匯入、匯出款業務。 五、大型企業戶各項金融商品需求及其員工消費金融的配合,由於 版塊劃分及不同的事業群有不同的制度,各別利潤中心制下, 客戶議價空間變小,然針對金融市場外匯交易的議價須有協調 管道,以免偏離市場行情,因小失大造成客戶將資金調度或金 流移轉其他金融業辦理。


Since the government opened new banks to set up in the 1990s, the competition of the financial industry has become furious. To compete with others, the banks ignored the importance of risk control and got outrageous ratio of non-performing loans. Some banks that had weak financial structures were facing bankruptcy. To prevent financial crisis, the government urged Act of Finance Holding Company. There are total 14 financial holding companies in Taiwan now, and the government’s goal is to cut the number to 7 by merging. The benefits of merging include lower cost, more channels, integrated marketing, and cross sale. In addition, the “two-cards crisis” (credit cards and cash cards) arose in 2005, and the financial institutions (such as Taishin bank, Chinatrust bank, and Cosmos bank) that focused on consumer banking lost a lot of money. Therefore, banks have turned to focus on corporate banking which is more stable. Since the ways that corporations raise funds and manage finances have changed a lot in recent years, banks devoted to integrated marketing and organization innovation to improve their competitiveness. In this research, we study on the internal and external environments of the corporate banking business of TF bank that is owned by F financial holding company. We analyze this individual case by SWOT, Porter’s five force analysis, and marketing combination and suggest the followings: Internal management 1.Enhancing the risk control system and the communication between marketing and credit departments. 2.Setting up the profit-separation system and the cooperative system to avoid customers’ inconvenience. Marketing management 1.Increasing manpower to assist in credit research and information collecting, so the RMs can focus on business development. 2.Strengthening the cooperation between sales department and product department to avoid conflicts. 3.Ensuring the fairness of performance appraisal that could encourage sales people. 4.Caring about the old employees’ feeling and making sure they have equal opportunities to be promoted when the organization changes the management for innovation. 5.Integrating the resources of the holding company and proceeding the cross sales by starting appropriate price war. Product operation management 1.Building an integrated and innovative product mix to attract more customers. 2.Evaluating the necessity of new oversea branches to seize the chance of becoming a global organization. 3.Searching for partners in Mainland China to satisfy Taiwanese companies’ needs before the government approve the China Policy Act. 4.Focusing on products that relate to customers’ cash flow, such as factoring, trading, and money remittance. 5.Coordinating between the corporate banking department that serves large corporations and the consumer banking department that serves corporations’ employees. Since different departments have different price policies, setting up a communication channel between two departments will make the price negotiation, such as foreign exchange rate, flexible and effective.


3、Aswath Damodaran(1997),“Corporate Finance Theory and Practice”.
7、Colley, Russell H. (1961), Defining Advertising Goal for Measured Advertising Results, New York: Association of National Advertisers.


