  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development of Hakka Culture and Leisure Industry: A Case Study of Hsinwu Town, Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 謝登旺


工業革命後機器替代人力,減輕工作體力及時間的負擔,但相對的卻帶來「工作疏離」、「人際關係緊張」、「心理壓力」,因此觀光休閒放鬆成為現代人生活的必需品,尤其是由城市的觀光旅遊轉變為以鄉村地區為主的農業旅遊或農業體驗活動的綠色休閒、文化探索、生態觀光的需求更加迫切,使得休閒農業大量成長,也成為傳統農業轉型的新契機。故本研究目的主要在分析新屋鄉可供發展休閒產業的資源,以及探討新屋鄉客家農村,如何兼顧客家文化保留和生產、生活與生態的主軸下發展休閒產業。本研究採質化研究的深度訪談法,依實際在地居住或了解參予執行目前新屋鄉各項計畫人員進行深度訪談,以得到最真實具體的真相,作為新屋鄉發展休閒產業的參考依據。 本研究結果為:新屋鄉是一個非常恬靜的客家村落,保存客家傳統食衣住行上的習慣,成為與眾不同的特色,更具有豐富之自然資源、人文資源,適合發展為具客家文化特色之休閒農漁園區。本研究亦提出具體建議:1.利用地方特色,推廣休閒農業及整合地方資源,發展觀光漁業,作為全鄉未來的主要發展方向;2. 回歸農業的角色與功能,秉持鄉村的主體性,促進城鄉交流3.導入現代管理系統,提高服務品質,吸引國際觀光客。


After industrial revolution, machinery has gradually substituted for manpower, which may mitigate people’s load of physical vigor and time for work; yet relatively, a series of problems such as work alienation, a tensional interpersonal relationship and psychological stress have followed to come. It however causes people to seek for temporarily escaping from work tension and stress by tourism and leisure. Thus the tourism and leisure have become the essential elements of modern people in their life, particularly in the demand of agriculture tourism or agriculture experience activities in rural area highlighting green leisure, cultural exploration and ecological tourism. As a result of a transition from urban tourism to agriculture tourism and people’s urgent need of agriculture tourism, it has contributed to the growth of leisure farming. This is the imperative moment for traditional agriculture to transform. The main purpose of this study is to analyse what kinds of resources from Hsinwu Town are available for the development of leisure industry, and to further explore how Hakka rural villages in Hsinwu Town have effectively developed their leisure industry while undertaking Hakka cultural preservation, daily production and living tasks, and ecological conservation. This study is to adopt the qualitative in-depth interview and to undertake an in-depth interview by the object of locals or staffs involving in implementing various plans for Hsinwu Town in order to obtain the truth closest to the facts for reference of Hsinwu Town in the development of their leisure industry. The findings of this study are discovered that Hsinwu Town is a quiet Hakka village community preserving complete Hakka traditional living customs including eating, dressing, residence and traffic that has formed its unique characteristics. Furthermore, its abundant natural resources and cultural heritage are propitious for the development of leisure-oriented agricultural and fishing park area featured by the Hakka culture. In the end, this study may provide three substantial suggestions: 1) to develop leisure farming and integrate local resources by utilizing local characteristics, and taking tourist fishing as its major direction of future development; 2) returning to its originally agricultural role and function, and to promote an exchange between city and countryside by holding its rural subjectivity; and 3) to adopt modern management system and enhance service quality in order to lure foreign tourists.




