  • 學位論文


School Teachers’ Participation in Creating the Community After-School Childcare Model—A Case Study of Chungshan Primary School in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 謝登旺


本研究是以機構成員參與志工服務最為恰切的理念來探討學校教師參與社區課後托育模式的建立,採質性研究中的深度訪談法、半結構式問卷發放及教學日誌與省思札記,來支持社區課後托育模式的建立。本研究共訪談25位相關人員,包括學童12名、教師6名、社區家長5名以及教育專家2名。本研究之重要發現有: 一、在社扥模式執行面向上 (一)、強調多元、實作、彈性調整的課後時光:本模式執行中可以發現學童較喜歡實作的活動、身體的操作性體驗活動,多變性的課程能讓學童產生愉快情緒,有效的促進學童學習情緒。 (二)、強調行為的正當性才能有效提升人格:公開讚揚並且具體說出學童好的行為表現,讓學童彼此觀摩,增強被誇獎學童的自信心及自尊心,讓學童能夠自主的決定何種品格是他應該擁有的,那麼學童就可以表現出合宜的行為。 (三)、強調關鍵能力培養而不是課業成績表現:營造一個小團體、讓學童感到快樂的托育環境,以培養學童溝通(社交)及團隊合作能力的培養。 二、在學校教師執行面向上 (一)、基於教育愛與體驗社區志工情操 學校教師基於教師愛參與社扥服務,帶頭示範能發揮領頭羊的效果。 (二)、更柔軟具親和力的指導態度 社扥教師與學童互動時,要專心的聆聽學童想法並且有回應、帶領風格也要較平時帶班的學校教師柔軟些、願意親近學生、使用可以商量的用詞跟學童交談,以減少學童懼怕或敬畏教師。 (三)、指派適當份量的回家課業 學校教師不宜派太多的功課給學童抄抄寫寫!為了提升成績的效果,最重要是加強訂正與講解的次數。 (四)、彈性課業輔導方式 社托在課業的輔導策略上,可依情況採團體教學或一對一方式。 三、在社托學童面向上 (一)、安全為第一優先考量:從事校園服務時,以安全為第一優先考量,此外東西使用完畢後,應該自動歸放好、順手作清潔,以延長物品的使用壽命。 (二)、體驗服務人群的情操 社托模式強調服務人群、無私無我,貢獻己身一點心力及時間來從事校園服務,服務的過程有學校教師帶頭示範、即時的心靈開導,使學童心靈的層次提升。 (三)、程度中上沒有參加安親班的學童組成 本社扥學童在學業表現上大多屬中上的程度,課後安排多偏向才藝學習,此跟家長不希望學童放學後繼續花大量時間在學校課程的學習上,期望學童享有一個沒有壓力的課後環境有關。 (四)、聽講解二次的優勢 通常社扥學童所犯的錯誤,也正是其他班上同學易犯錯的地方,社扥學童具有聽講解二次的優勢。 四、在社區家長面向上–彌補家庭功能的不足 學校教師參與社扥,對隔代教養的學童而言,能感受到有人關心的美好;對單親家庭的學童而言,可以減輕這些家庭經濟的開銷。 五、在學校面向上–維持校園環境清潔 透過身體力行的校園服務能讓學童更了解環境、體會無私奉獻不求回報的志工偉大情操、解決學校對環境清潔維護不易的困擾。 關鍵字:社區課後托育




This study, depending on the concept of public or private organization members being the best candidates of the volunteer service, is intended to explore school teachers’ participation in creating community after-school childcare model by adopting in-depth interviewing of qualitative research, semi-constructed questionnaire, and teaching daily record and introspection notes in order to support the creation of community after-school childcare model. This study has totally interviewed 25 related persons including 12 children, 6 teacher members, 5 community parents and 2 educational professionals. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. In the aspect of implementation of community after-school childcare model 1) Emphasis of diverse, practical and flexibly adjustable after-school program: In implementing the model, I found that children preferred to engage in the activities of practical implementation and physical exercise experience, and attend the diversified program, all of which brought children study with pleasure and make great progress in their studies. 2) Emphasis of correct behavior for effectively promoting children’s moral integrity: Praise or encouragement in public for children’s reasonable behavior will increase their self-confidence and nourish their sound judgement to distinguish which character will be they should have. This will guide children to the reasonable behavior. 3) Emphasis of the cultivation of key capability in lieu of performance of academic grade: Constructing a small group, a happy childcare environment developing children’s abilities in communication (social contact) and team collaboration. 2. In the aspect of implementation of school teachers 1) The ground of educator’s affection and community volunteer experiencing: School teachers grounding on educator’s affection participate in community childcare service that will take the lead to call people to devote themselves to community volunteer service. 2) Guidance attitude with softness and amiability: When interacting with children, teacher-based volunteers should pay attention to their talking and give them a proper response with an attitude more tender than that in school, and always talk with them by a tone of inquiry, letting children feel volunteer teachers’ amiability in order to decrease their fear on contacting with volunteer teachers. 3) Homework assignment: Too many assignments are improper. In order to upgrade children’s academic performance, making efforts in homework correction and explanation is necessary and important. 4) Flexible academic guidance: In homework guidance, it is flexible to adopt the way of either group-based teaching or one-by-one teaching. 3. In the aspect of children of community childcare program 1) Safety is a top priority: In engaging in the activities of campus service, safety is a top priority. In addition, any utensils should be cleaned up and then placed to their original position after using them. 2) Experiencing human service: Community childcare model puts emphasis on human service, i.e. selfless devotion to campus-oriented voluntary service. Through volunteer teachers’ lead in such kind of voluntary service to develop children’s mind, they will be therefore promoted in their spiritualities. 3) Child-based participants most coming from those who are intermediate or high level of academic performance and never attend the daycare center outside: Participants in the community childcare program hold an intermediate or high level of academic performance. Parents prefer to arrange talent or skill related study activities for them after school as they hope their children can have a little time to enjoy the fun of study without stress. 4) The advantage of volunteer teachers’ two-time explanation of homework: The faults participants in the community childcare program may make in homework are similar to students in class; yet they have the advantage of being served by volunteer teachers’ two-time explanation of homework. 4. In the aspect of community parents For school teachers’ participation in the community childcare model, it may warm grandparenting children’s heart, letting them feel people’s care, and particularly for a single parent family, it will however decrease their economic load. 5. In the aspect of school Through such a campus-oriented voluntary service program, children can realize deeply what the campus environment is and fully perceive unselfish volunteer teachers’ enthusiasm, and also the problem of maintenance of campus cleanliness can be solved. keyword:the Community After-School


the Community After-School




