  • 學位論文


Analysis Research in Behavioral Attributes of Middle/High Level Supervisors

指導教授 : 李弘暉


審視過去的管理領導研究或者書籍都在探討如何當「成功的主管」,或探討不同領導風格對領導效能的影響。本研究旨在瞭解中高階主管的行為特質,以瞭解分析中高階主管與一般非中高主管的行為特質有何差異,並探討中高階主管經理人與一般非中高階主管的經歷背景是否有所顯著不同。 希望藉由本研究結果,讓企業在徵選或內部升任主管時,能避免許多的盲點,去找尋到一位「真正的好主管」,而不只是任用到「只會做主管的主管」;也希望藉由本研究,讓已經當主管的人,能審視自己是否也身涉「被討厭或不合格的主管」行列中;更希望讓上班族了解到,如何才能當上主管,並當個一級棒的好主管。 研究發現,在工作經歷軌跡上,一般達百萬年薪及成為主管的平均年齡大都在31~35歲之間,中高階主管的工作穩定度比非中高階主管高。中高階主管及非中高階主管,過往換工作或求職時,最常使用的管道排序前三名都為網際網路(人力銀行)、親友介紹及報紙。有些老闆或經理人,會以血型或星座當作用人的條件,純為個人之偏好,並無實際的依據。「學歷」、「有留學經驗」、「英文程度好」、「有外商經歷」都是影響能否成為主管的因素之一。此外,「父親的教育程度」和「是否能成為中高階主管」有低度正相關。 在人格特質方面, 中高階主管的「信賴性較高」、「情緒穩定性較高」、「創造力較高」、「愉悅性較低」、「外向性不顯著」。此外,中高階主管的外控因子較顯著,也比較會認為「即使工作順利,依然會有隨時有換工作的心理準備」。 在行為與人格方面,中高階主管比較「精通一項以上的娛樂或運動」,並且「時間管理優於一般人」,「EQ」或「IQ」相較也比較好。整體而言,中高階主管不僅「工作滿意度」比較高,且「工作投入」比較積極。除此外,中高階主管上行溝通能力較強,也比較會向上管理,同時大多採「事前諫言,事後會幫忙背黑鍋」的方式與上司相處。 對「一般主管能當上主管的主要因素」認知,其排名依序為「管理領導能力」、「協調能力」、「專業知識」、「抗壓能力」。而中高階主管對「一般主管最令人討厭的主要因素」認知,其排名依序為「言而無信」、「自認做官學問大(自負)」、「犯錯不敢講,不懂又裝懂」;而非中高階主管,則第一排序與第二排序剛好與中高階主管相反,非中高階主管最討厭的是「自認做官學問大(自負)」的上司。


領導 行為特質 人格特質


Unlike the other scholarly analysis or books about management studies and leadership influences, this paper focuses in examination the behavioral attributes of different level of supervisors. This paper also further analyzes the difference and the relationship of the behavioral attributes, the background stories and personalities of middle/high level supervisors and non-middle/high level supervisors. With the analysis in this paper, the corporation could avoid the bias and blind spot when recruiting and promoting, in order to find a “real good supervisor” instead of a “supervisory supervisor”. Moreover, the individual who is currently in the management level could inspect himself or herself if one is classified within the range of “bore and unqualified supervisor”. The employee could also understand the ways to a qualified managerial supervisor. According to the studies in this paper, the average ages of the first time being a managerial employee with annual salary over million dollars is between thirty-one to thirty-five years old; the stability of the middle/high level supervisors is better than the non-middle/high level supervisors; the most popular media when the middle/high level supervisors switch job are through internet (job bank), friends and relatives, and newspapers; some bosses or managers will judge an individual’s qualification according to one’s blood type and constellation, however, these are only bosses and managers’ personal preference. One’s background of “education level”, “oversea studies experience”, and “employment in multinational company” are the key factors that influence one’s potential to be a supervisor. Besides this, the direct relationship between the factors of “educational level of one’s father” and “one’s potential to be a supervisor” is positive correlation. In the aspect of personal attributes, the middle/high level supervisors’ conscientiousness is high; emotional stability is better; creative; agreeableness is low but whose extroversion is unobvious. However, the extrinsic factors of the middle/high level supervisors are obvious. Thus, they will always make themselves ready to switch job even though their current jobs go smoothly. In the aspect of one’s behavior and attributes, the middle/high level supervisors are good at one or more than one sports or hobbies, their time management is better than others, ones’ EQ and IQ are more outstanding. Overall, not only the job satisfaction is higher, their job involvement is also better. In additional, their communication ability is better and they are better at upward management. “Advise in advance and take responsibilities afterward” is their common philosophy in their upward management concepts. The ranking of the elements of being a successful supervisor is “leadership”, “coherence”, “professional knowledge”, and “resistance to pressure”. The ranking of being a bore and unqualified middle/high level supervisor is “easy to break promise”, “arrogance”, and “obtrusive”. The ranking for the non-middle/high level supervisors is reverse; “arrogance” is major element of being a bore and unqualified supervisor.


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