  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Behavior in Relation to Blended Sparkling Wines

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


民國九十一年一月台灣加入世界貿易組織 (WTO),台灣酒類市場正式進入市場自由化及國際化。而如何發掘新市場、開發新產品已經成為為各業者的重要經營策略。消費者對低酒精飲料消費考慮因素在方便與口味因素之外,消費者亦經常為新產品所吸引,其中以低酒精飲料系列產品的推陳出新是最顯著的。特別是玻璃瓶裝的即飲式調酒飲料 RTD(Ready To Drink)-「調合式氣泡酒」酒精飲料正以超過 30%不斷地快速成長中。 調合式氣泡酒產品特性以方便消費者直接拿取及隨時飲用,主要消費層鎖定在不想喝烈酒,又不喜歡啤酒苦澀的口感,卻欲享受微醺的感覺及多種不同果汁口味的選擇的年輕消費族群。 本研究目的與動機為了解消費者在購買調合式氣泡酒時的購買決策模式。以市售調合式氣泡酒為研究主體,探討消費特性、產品屬性、品牌因素是否影響到消費者的購買意願及個人屬性是否和消費者購買決策有顯著差異。 本研究對象以青年學生及上班族為主,採用便利樣本,共計完成有效問卷 690份,研究結果發現: 一、當調合式氣泡酒消費者的購買意願會受到個人屬性、基本屬 性、品牌因素等因素的影響,顯示消費者於購買行為中非受單一變數影響,且影響的方向是正向,因此業者欲事先預測消費者的購買意願之決策依據誠屬不易。 二、個人屬性和購買意願在性別、婚姻有顯著差異。證明人口統計變項可以做為調合式氣泡酒市場區隔的有效變數。


With Taiwan’s WTO entry in January 2002, the wine market in Taiwan entered a new era of liberalization and globalization. How to develop new markets and new products has become a key business strategy of all companies. In terms of the consumer decision-making factors in low-alcoholic beverage purchasing, in addition to the convenience and flavor, consumers are also often attracted by new products, especially glass bottled RTD (Ready-To-Drink) products – “blended sparkling wines” are rapidly growing at over 30% growth rate. The main product characteristic of blended sparkling wines is that it is easy for consumers to get and drink at any time. The target customers are young people who neither want to drink liquor nor like the bitter taste of beer but enjoy a slightly drunk feeling and a variety of fruit juice flavors. The objectives of this study are to examine the consumer decision-making models in purchasing blended sparkling wines and to explore if the consumption characteristics, product attributes, and brand factors of blended sparkling wines available in the market affect consumer purchasing intentions and if personal attributes show significant differences in consumer decision-making. The subjects of this study are convenience samples of students and young workers. A total of 690 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of this study are: 1).Consumer purchasing intentions of blended sparkling wines are affected by personal attributes, basic attributes and brand factors. This reveals that consumer purchasing behavior is positively affected by more than a single variable. Therefore, it is difficult for companies in this business to predict the decision-making basis of consumer purchasing intentions. 2).Personal attributes and purchasing intentions show significant differences in different genders and marital statuses. This verifies that demographic variables can be used as effective variables for segmentation of the blended sparkling wine market.


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