  • 學位論文


Consumer Need for Authenticity: Conceptualization and Scale Development

指導教授 : 廖淑伶博士


近年國內外有許多消費者願意付較多的金錢或花費較多的時間獲取他們心目中「真正的產品」,即純正性產品,滿足個人純正性需要;許多廠商順勢在行銷策略上訴諸品牌的純正性定位,或是透過故事行銷策略、體驗行銷策略吸引此類消費者。國內外學者對此消費現象與廠商策略的多所著墨已顯示此潮流逐漸重要,但相關研究仍是就特定產業或產品討論純正性特性,未廣泛的將消費者純正性需要概念化,以及發展量化分析工具增加此概念的應用性,為暸解此項消費價值觀,本研究主要目的是將消費者純正性需要概念化並發展其衡量量表。 本研究首先透過消費者深度訪談,歸納出六項純正性含意(原創典範、歷久不衰、品質與口碑保證、精純專門、不可取代性以及不易獲得)、兩類純正性產品特徵,一類是產品性利益特徵(品質承諾與口碑可信度、獲得代價高、原創性、繼承傳統與風格維持、神聖化、純粹性以及稀有性)、另一類是消費者知覺非產品性利益特徵(實現理想我、產品知覺差異、表現真實我以及非獨特性利益),以及三種滿足消費者純正性需要之消費動機(產品性動機、個人性動機以及情境性動機),本研究亦比較不同純正性需要程度消費者面對純正性產品時的五項消費態度(廠商宣傳與口碑態度、產品態度、購買態度、價格態度以及個人涉入態度),最後,提出消費者純正性需要的定義。另外,由研究結果與文獻的交互討論中,本研究對消費者純正性需要概念提出六項命題,且說明追求純正性需要滿足者與物質主義者及獨特性需要追求者之間的差異。 由於消費者純正性需要是一項抽象概念,為了能將之量化、區隔不同需要程度的消費者,本研究第二部份是根據深度訪談內容、參考學者建置量表的過程,發展出消費者純正性需要量表;經過專家檢視、內容效度衡量、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、折半信度以及效標關聯效度的檢測,本研究發展出包含七項因素、29題題項之消費者純正性需要量表;本研究接著利用調查研究法,透過問卷調查的方式,進行理論效度檢驗,確認量表的應用性與理論效度,並於最後提出學術與實務上的建議。


Consumers who are willing to spend more money or time to acquire ‘real products’, authentic products, to satisfy their needs for authenticity (NFA) are on the increase in both foreign and domestic markets. Many Marketers take advantage of this consumption trend to attract this kind of consumers by authentic brand position, storytelling marketing and experiential marketing. A number of studies have also investigated a wide variety of authenticity issues, and these marketing practices and research investigations show that authenticity has been an important theme in practical and academic areas, but most of those studies focused on specific industry or product category. For realizing this consumption value, a serious of qualitative and quantitative researches were undertaken by this study to conceptualize consumer need for authenticity and to develop its scale beyond specific industries or product categories. After personal interviews with ten consumers, this study identified six properties of authenticity, two types of authentic product character categories, one is product benefit, the other one is consumer perceived non-product benefit, and this study also discovered three kinds of consumption motives about consumer seeking for need for authenticity: product, personal and situational motive. This study also contrasted consumers with different NFA levels in five types of consumption attitude. Then, this study brought up the definition of consumer need for authenticity. Finally, this study brought up six propositions about consumer need for authenticity and contrasted the differences between consumer seeking for satisfaction of NFA and materialist, consumer seeking for NFA and consumer seeking for need for uniqueness. The other part of this study detailed the development of consumer need for authenticity scale, which was designed to measure individual differences in consumption attitude influencing by different level of NFA. According to scholars’ suggestions about scale development procedures, the consumer need for authenticity scale was constructed based on the findings of the qualitative study. Passing through expert check, content validity check, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, split-half reliability test and criteria-related validity test, this study finally have a consumer need for authenticity scale of seven factors, and 29 items. Then, the nomological validity test was held to confirm scale’s applicability and validity.


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