  • 學位論文

國民小學教師學位進修對學校效能影響之研究 :以桃園縣教師專業成長為觀察途徑

A study on teachers’ in-service graduate school education and its influence on school effectiveness in primary education: As witnessed by teachers’ professional growth in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 謝登旺
共同指導教授 : 黃敏萍(Min-Ping Huang)


國民小學教師學位進修對學校效能影響之研究 :以桃園縣教師專業成長為觀察途徑 研究生:黃錦惠 指導教授:謝登旺博士 黃敏萍博士 元智大學管理研究所 摘 要 本研究旨在了解國民小學教師在職學位進修之需求觀,主要是分析在職進修研究所學位對教師專業成長之情形,以及探討教師專業成長對學校效能之影響,並根據研究結果,提出促進學校效能的人力資源管理之建議,以作為未來相關人員及組織之參考。 本研究採質性研究的半結構式訪談作為資料蒐集的方法,計訪談十一位受訪者之經驗與看法,包括三位「已取得碩士學位之教師」、三位「學校首長及主管」、三位「家長委員、志工或未從事學位進修之教師」及兩位「專家學者」。研究發現如下:一、國民小學教師在職學位進修之需求觀,包括(一)個人的需求:與馬斯洛之需求理論相符。(二)組織的需求:教師是研究者、專業成長、促進教師生涯發展階段循環的活力之需求觀點。二、研究所在職學位進修對教師專業成長之面向包括(一)技術取向:教師專業知識與教師專業技能的發展。(二)專業取向:教師自我的省思與了解、學校環境生態的改變和終身學習的生涯發展過程。三、以專業社群形式協助教師專業成長,達成促進學校組織之效能。 為使教師專業成長能達到促進學校效能之目標,本研究並分別提供下列三點建議:一、知法並守法,明瞭在職學位進修之權利與義務;進修前審慎規劃未來之研究領域;進修中能夠依主題聚焦;論文研究結果,得為教育產業所用;充實學生輔導之專業知能,以因應社會型態與結構的變化;學生受教權之優先,透過行動研究,實際省思教育現場的問題,結合理論,找出更合適的教學方案。二、做教學演示讓同儕教師進行觀摩;論文研究成果於校內心得發表;擔任學習型組織之領頭羊;以學習績效做為教師專業發展核心價值,形成專業社群。三、學校支持性的進修氛圍;行政管理上的實質協助;適才適所,適時職務輪調;培養教師領導人,在專業社群中協助教師專業發展。 關鍵詞:在職學位進修;教師專業成長;學校效能


A study on teachers’ in-service graduate school education and its influence on school effectiveness in primary education : As witnessed by teachers’ professional growth in Taoyuan County Student:Huang Chin-Hui Advisors:Dr. Hsieh Deng-Wang Dr. Huang Min-Ping Graduate School of Management Yuan Ze University ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to understand the needs of in-service graduate school education of primary teachers. Secondly, this study attempted to understand the reality of teachers’ in-service graduate school education and professional growth. In addition, this study attempted to analyze how the achievement of teachers’ professional growth could enhance school organizational effectiveness. This study adopted a qualitative research method by using semi-structured interviews. The subjects included “three teachers with Master degrees” “a primary school principal and two directors” “a member of the parents’ committee, a voluntary worker and a teacher without a Master degree” “two university professors”. The findings are presented as followings: 1. The needs of in-service graduate school education of primary teachers include two aspects: (1) Personal needs: as presented in Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham H. Maslow. (2) Expectations from organization: teachers are expected to be researchers, required to pursuit professional growth, motivation to accelerate the process of teachers’ development. 2. The professional growth includes two aspects: (1) The technical aspect: the development of teachers’ pedagogical expertise and skill. (2) The professional aspect: teachers’ reflection and understanding of the changing teaching environment; the development of life-long career learning process. 3. Forming teachers’ professional communities is effective in enhancing school organizational effectiveness. Based on the research results, the study provides concrete recommendations that can be used as reference to teachers, school administrators, educational agencies, and for further research on related topics. Keywords:in-service education; teachers’ professional growth; school effectiveness; qualitative research


