  • 學位論文

社區規劃師制度運作之研究 -以桃園縣為例


指導教授 : 謝登旺 李弘暉


自從政府推動社區規劃師制度與地區環境改造計畫以來,各縣市政府已將社區規劃師制度作為推動地區環境改造之主要策略與方法,對空間環境等議題,社區規劃師可扮演政府與社區間重要之中介角色。桃園縣的公共空間環境改善,過去均一直由公部門擔任執行者,在執行過程間社區參與意見未能充分的溝通與突顯,以至於執行績效不能彰顯,甚至不被社區居民所接受。 本研究選擇桃園縣作為研究的對象是因為研究者曾經參與是項業務,並且在執行兩期的社區規劃師制度推動中深感成效有限,且有一些問題,而這些問題可能影響民眾參與社區營造之意願。在此情形下,本研究試圖想去了解整個制度在推動及執行上所面臨之課題,做為以後桃園縣繼續運作之參考。 本研究是以桃園縣第一、二屆社區規劃師及公部門代表為例,探討其執行的經驗與困境,透過個人的親身經歷、文獻回顧,以及對結案報告書採用內容分析等方法進行歸納整理,試圖了解桃園縣社區規劃師制度施行所遭遇之困境,包括社區規劃師的角色定位、在地問題以及公部門的責任,也藉由各縣市的推行課題進一步檢視桃園縣自身的問題。 針對桃園縣社區規劃師制度的運作模式,本研究經由資料收集及訪談結果分析,發現在制度運作上應強調:與專業組織的結合、社區規劃師的再訓練,分級教學、縣府自擬預算補助持續推動、成立規劃服務中心有效引進專業並整合社區意見、擴大社區規劃師培訓以有效延攬銀髮人力、強化整合推動及設置整合管考機制、結合工作站及教育機構共同紮根、地方工作站人員的再教育。另外,政府部門應以行政工作的配合及行政資源和資訊的提供,與社區規劃師建構合作溝通關係,藉以提升居民參與能力及引發其參與興趣。


Since the national government established the “community planner and local environmental improvement” initiatives (hereafter referred as the “Community Planning” initiatives or the “Programs”), local governments have adopted them as the primary approach and strategy to address and to improve local issues. Community planners can act as a liaison between the central and local governments with regard to various local issues. Tao-Yuan county government was initially the major implementer of the County’s public space improvement programs. This approach was not successful due to inadequate participation and communication between the communities and the County government. Tao-Yuan County was selected to be the case study for this thesis since the researcher had participated in various activities of the County’s “Community Planning” initiatives. During the two-phase implementation period, constraints and problems were found to affect the Programs’ effectiveness or may even diminish the citizens’ participation. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to fully understand the issue(s) or challenge(s) that may occur on the practices and implementations of the Programs. This thesis will also be used as a guide to the implementation and operation of the County’s various community planning initiatives in the future. This thesis is based on the experiences and issues of implementing the Programs that the first-term and second-term appointed panels of community planners and governmental representatives have encountered. Data was collected through both primary and secondary data collection methods, which included personal participation, literature reviews, and analysis of the final report, and so on. This thesis also attempts to reveal and to analyze the challenges and the potential difficulties derived from the implementation of the “Community Planner” initiatives. The challenges include the definitions of the role(s) of the community planners and the County’s government and also on the identification of local issues. In addition, Tao-Yuan County government also has examined the experiences and challenges of other local governments in order to improve its performance of the Programs. However, after data collection and analyzing the Tao-Yuan County’s efforts on operating the Community Planner initiatives, this thesis concluded that the County should emphasize on several aspects. First, the County should collaborate with the professional planning organization. Second, extended training sessions with ranked and/or advanced course materials are deemed necessary for community planners. Third, the County government should allocate budget for continuous supports of the Community Planner initiatives. A “Community Planning Service Center” should also be established in order to communicate with the community as well as importing local talents. Fourth, the community planner training programs should be expanded to all age levels in order to develop planning knowledge and to encourage participation in different age groups. Fifth, the implementation division should be in joint effort with academics on the extended and continuous trainings for the staff of the local workshops. Finally, the County government shall provide assistance, administrative resource(s), and information to community planners in order to assist them on increasing the citizens’ participation and interests in the planning process.


1. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations,1979,”Citizen Participation in the Federal System”,Washington:ACIR。
2. Arnstein , Sherry R.,1969,”A Ladder of Citizen Participation”,NewYork:J.T&C.P。
3. Glass , James J.,1979,” Citizen Participation in Planning:The Relationship between Objectives and Technigues”, New York:JAPA。
4. Johnson , W. C.,1984,” Citizen Participation in Local Planning in theU.K. and U.S.A.:A Comparative Study ” Progress in Planning,Vol.21,Part3。
5. Sandercock , Leonie,1997,”The Planner Tamed—Preparing Planner for the Twenty First Century”,Australian Planner Vol.34,No.2,pp.90-95。
