  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategy of Taiwan’s Thin Film Solar Cell Industry

指導教授 : 陳家祥


在未來的五十年人類面臨十大問題中,以能源問題為首位,因此低成本且低汙染的替代能源,便是各國競相發展的重要議題,其中又以太陽能最受矚目。過去幾年太陽能產業複合成長率都超過40%,吸引了許多新的競爭者加入,並且由於矽原料缺料等問題未能解決,許多新進入者選擇以薄膜太陽能技術投入太陽能電池產業。薄膜太陽能電池產業正處於開拓期至成長期階段,全球新進入廠商眾多,台灣薄膜太陽能電池產業勢必面臨國際強大的競爭壓力。 本研究以衡量產業競爭強度觀點,藉由文獻回顧整理、產業現況分析、Porter的鑽石理論模型、Porter五力分析模型、SWOT分析,剖析目前台灣薄膜太陽能電池產業所面臨的競爭強度。並藉由德菲法產業專家問卷,歸納出影響產業成功發展之重要構面,篩選出該產業可能之關鍵成功因素。經由產業競爭力分析與關鍵成功因素萃取,並依據分析結果研擬相關競爭策略,以建立台灣薄膜太陽能電池產業之競爭優勢。 歸納本研究分析結果顯示,由於經濟衰退將使得台灣薄膜太陽能電池產業汰弱留強速度將加快,並且應當加速產業整併有助於提升整體競爭力。台灣薄膜太陽能電池產業主要以出口國際市場為主,持續提升技術與研發是未來競爭關鍵,並且供應鏈完整度改變薄膜太陽能產業競爭生態。本研究提出現階段我國薄膜太陽能電池產業關鍵成功因素,在於「電池轉換效率提升能力」、「專利與關鍵技術掌握能力」、「健全的財務結構」、「歐洲與日本再生能源政策」、「美國再生能源政策」、「行銷通路掌握能力」、「大幅降低成本的能力」、「未來趨勢掌握能力」、「資金的籌措能力」等因素。


Humanity faces ten major issues in the next 50 years; of which energy tops the list. Many countries seek for cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel. Solar energy tops the list of many countries driving a compound annual growth of greater than 40%. This growth rate attaracted many attentions from various competitors. Many new entrants into solar cell industry chose to adopt the Thin Film Solar Technology which is still in its infancy stage; due to the shortage of silicon raw materials for crystalline silicon option. But due to the numerous Thin Film entrants Taiwan Thin Film Solar Cell Industry would face both domestic and foreign competition.. This research will examine the industry’s competitiveness and market situation by using Porter Diamond Theory, the Porter 5 force analysis, and the SWOT. The anaylsis aims at identifying the competitiveness of Tawian Thin Film Solar Cell Industry. The research uses Delphi method industry expert questionnaire as a tool to summarize the influences of the industry and identifies the possible key successful factors. After the identification of the factors, it aims to present the possible strategic directions for the Taiwan industry. The research shows in this economic recession, the stronger companies would survive and accelerate while the weaker companies would fail. To improve Taiwan Thin Film Solar Cell Industry competitiveness we must accelerate the industry cooperation, improve our technique and increase research and development. This research identifes the key factors for our country’s thin film solar cell industry success: “the battery transfer efficiency hoisting capacity”, “the patent and the key technologies grasps ability”, “the healthy financial structure”, “Europe and Japan renewable energy sources policy”, “the US renewable energy sources policy”, “Promotion ability”, “Cost reduction ability, “Forecast the future tendency ability”, and “the fund raise ability”.


