  • 學位論文


Medical Disputes and the Management Mechanism — A Case Study of one Regional Hospital in the Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


醫療爭議日漸增加,國內外皆如此;過去文獻指出,日漸增加之醫療爭議與醫療過失之訴訟,除帶給醫療護理人員心裡上極大之壓力外,對於行醫執業模式、醫病關係、醫學生次專科之選擇、以及醫療經濟規模均造成極大之影響。總括而言,醫師與病家之間的溝通之相關研究、建立醫療爭議及醫療訴訟危險因子之預測模式外,於醫學教育方面,知情同意原則之落實,醫病溝通技巧之訓練,甚至醫學生人文素養之提升,均為當務之急。由研究可發現,醫療爭議之發生與醫療團隊,病患及家屬之特性,以及當時之醫療情境有關;其核心因素包括:災難性預後醫療過程之風險及不確定性、急性期之危機處理、急性期後之治療策略溝通、交接班時醫療團隊。 藉某區域教學醫院之醫療爭議與醫療過失之研究案例,歸納其原因及緒論如下: 1.造成醫療糾紛爭議之主要原因,常常是因為醫師與病患或家屬之間的溝通不良所致。 2.另外的原因可能是醫療照護人員與病患之間的誤解所造成。甚至因為與預期期望有落差而導致醫療爭議。 3.造成醫療爭議的其他原因包括因過度自信,造成對病患醫療性的傷害,或是因為對處理醫療糾紛的處置流程不熟悉,或是未遵照醫院制定之標準作業程序執行。 對於醫療爭議案件的處理,提供以下幾點建議: 1.首先,要建立醫療爭議案件的警(提醒)系統或是在醫院管理階層與病家之間的溝通管道,對於處理此類不愉快事件上是重要因子。 2.對醫療照護同仁施行針對醫病間之溝通與期許之教育課程及訓練計畫,能減少醫療爭議。 3.適當之告之同意以及針對醫療爭議建立補償機制,可以增進醫療處置當中及法律調解時的合諧關係。


Increasing numbers of medical disputes and medical malpractice suits have greatly impacted contemporary medical services. Some published papers have attributed these increases to the managed care,to the character of doctor–patient relationship or even to the trends of social evolution. On the whole, doctor–patient communication and informed consent had core effects on the initiation and management of medical disputes. The principles of management included immediate crisis intervention, identifying and handling patient’s feelings of denial, guilty and grief, the commitment of continuous care,the existence of mentoring program, medical legal services of the institution,and supportive groups of the medical staff• By case study of the regional hospital for managing medical disputes and malpractice,there are some common causes and conclusions as follows: 1.The key factor in causing medical disputes is common to be the poor communication between doctors and patients or families. 2.The other causing factor is misunderstanding between medical staff and patients. Furthermore the expectation discrepancy between both easily leads to medical disputes. 3.Other causes to medical disputes include over-self, confidence make iatrogenic insult to the patient or unawareness of the solving method for treating medical disputes, including following the hospital dispute guidelines or SOP. For the management of medical dispute cases, we have some recommendations: 1.Firstly, to set up alarming system for medical dispute cases or connection channel between the hospital manager and the patent’s family is an important factor to treat the unhappy event. 2.Education program or training course for medical staff on communication and relationship between patient and medical care provider can reduce the chance of medical disputes. 3.Adequate informed consent and establishing compensation system for the dispute without faults may facilitate the harmony during medical treatments and legal negotiations.


11.許淑霞(2000),「健康保險制度下特約醫師的醫療責任簡述」,(德文-Haftungdes Vertregsarztes)。
