  • 學位論文


A Study of Product Development Management Based on the Customer-Oriented Approach - An Example of “ABC” Company

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


台灣於IT產業一向以刻苦耐勞,機動彈性與成熟的供應鏈聞名,也因此奪下了多個世界第一。目前手機產業每年還以2位數成長,台灣之IT 廠商對此產業當然更不能缺席,各IT大廠累積了PC/ Note Book OEM與ODM的經驗,除積極爭取手機ODM訂單外,更希望發展自有品牌,此時產品的開發管理就扮演相當重要之角色。 品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)常用於產品之開發管理,是一套將客戶需求轉換成工程或設計需求,以使所生產之產品可真正滿足客戶期望之作業模式(Model),此模式雖然開發得早,但因作業步驟較為複雜且須相關人員一起合作,若無專人召集、解說並不容易上手,故在IT產業上並不常被使用。 本研究首先經由問卷調查瞭解客戶對手機之期望與偏好(Voice of Customer)再藉由QFD手法,針對某個案公司之手機做開發管理之探討,同時透過專業團隊(Focus Group)針對競爭對手之類似產品做實機之標竿比較(Bench mark)與進行工程研討,凝聚內部之設計、製造、管理共識(Voice of Engineering),進而引用QFD之核心矩陣將客戶之聲音轉換成工程設計之需求,再藉由品質屋之關聯分析,讓我們清楚的知道設計或工程需求之作業優先順序與互相應配合之關係,如此則可增加產品開發之效率,並使產品能真正滿足客戶之需求。 研究結果顯示一般消費者所重視之手機品質特性前三項分為手機通話之穩定性(當機)、通話之清晰度、電池之使用壽命,若以手機之外型,手機之基本功能,手機之附加功能,手機之進階功能,等四大屬性來分,則其重視項目落於『手機之基本功能』者為多,且不同背景的人(如年齡不同,職業不同,收入不同)其所選重視項目經F 檢定是有顯著差異的,故若要開發針對某一特定族群使用之手機則其客戶需求項目須重新再做篩選。另外透過QFD 之解析也歸納出應用軟體之撰寫、電源模組之設計與韌體之整合為研發設計需求之前三大,可供個案公司參考。


The supply chain of IT industry in Taiwan is known of its assiduity, hardship, flexibility and maturity. The same strength is applied in the high growth mobile phone industry by Taiwanese companies. Those companies are very experienced in the PC/Note Book OEM/ODM business models. Except to award the OEM/ODM business, they are also eager to develop their own brand business. Therefore, the mobile product development would play the key role for those companies. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is seldom used in the IT industry thought it was introduced into Taiwan early. It is because of its complicated processes to implement. First , a task force will be built from different function department . Furthermore, the task force shall be guided and coached by the expert with domain knowledge. This research reveals customers’ expectation and the hobbies of mobile phone by questionnaire. And the bench mark study will be performed by the discussion of the Focus Group. Finally the QFD methodology will be deployed to convert the customer's voice (VOC) into the engineering design specifications in terms of specific details and actions (VOE). Therefore, the customers’ needs will be satisfied by applying the QFD in the early product development stage. According to this research, the top three quality characteristics from customers’ expectation are the stability during phone calls, the clarity of calls and the battery life. Also four major attributes – the appearance, standard function, additional function, and advance functions are defined; customers regard the standard function as the most important attribute of mobile phone. With different background of customers (such as different ages, different occupations and different incomes), there is a significant difference through F test on the mentioned quality characteristics. Therefore, re-selection is required if company would like to develop new mobile phone based on specific customer group. In addition, this research also sums up the top three R&D directions - application software decoding, power module related design and internal module firmware integration.


QFD VOC VOE Bench mark


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吳明書(2008)。以四階段品質機能展開(QFD I-QFD IV)與創新構思問題解決方法(TRIZ)為基礎進行綠色設計之研究-以行動電話為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-2506200801073700
