  • 學位論文


Policies and Management Strategies of Foreign Caregivers in Taiwan: study of in-house nursing

指導教授 : 李弘暉


人口老化及少子女化是全球許多國家面臨人口結構變遷的極大問題,而我國人口結構轉型老化速度驚人。回顧1956年我國65歲以上老年人口佔總人口比例為2.5%,而自1983年老年人口的數量超過總人口數的7%開始,我國即正式邁入人口老化國家之列。依2007年12月底統計老年人口已佔總人口的10.2%,面對此現象顯示未來老年人口仍然有遞增且老化速度增強的趨勢,意味政府面對高齡化社會作準備的時間超短,根據研究推估國內每10位老人就有1位老人需要長期照顧,照顧需求與人力,長期出現嚴重落差,建構一個完善的照顧體系,協助曾對社會付出的老年人能有尊嚴的度過晚年,是政府必須嚴肅面對的議題及無可迴避的責任。 雖然長期照護體系的議題自1990年漸漸受到關注,政府部門也陸續推動相關計畫或方案等,然我國現有的服務措施卻顯得零散及片段,未能有效周延且整合制度規劃,以致成效有限。政府基於人道關懷及社會需要,在主、客觀因素的考量之下,引進外籍看護工便是其中解決照顧人力不足的一種途徑。 近十幾年來我國外籍看護工至今已超過16萬人,且數量持續增加,在長期照顧產業中,人力依賴已大幅轉向外籍看護工。因此,我國外籍看護工的政策及管理措施是本研究所關心的主題。本研究以文獻回顧與深度訪談作為主要的研究方法,經研究後獲致結論為:在高齡化社會,長期照護需求隨著老年人口增加而增加,考量現有照護體系未臻完備,基於國人照顧需求,引進外籍看護工以填補照顧缺口,卻因使用人數逐年增加,意外成為長期照護服務之主軸,而後續緊接而來的卻是申請機制、仲介服務及勞動權益等所衍生的各項爭議及其提供的照顧品質等問題,面對壓力下往往在法律及政策中不斷微調。據此,本研究針對我國外籍看護工政策面、管理面及未來研究提出建議,希望有助於未來應用在高齡化社會照顧人力需求規劃的參考。


Aging population and decline in newborn babies are major issues that many countries are facing in terms of the change of social structure; however, the speed at which the population ages in Taiwan is indeed worth paying attention to. In retrospect, the senior population, people above sixty-five years old, in Taiwan was 2.5% in 1956. However, since 1983, the senior population has increased to 7%, in other words, Taiwan has officially become one of the countries with an aging population. According to the data drawn in December, 2007, the senior population in Taiwan is now 10.2% and it is increasing at a rapid rate, which means the Taiwanese government has limited time to prepare for such a change. Based on national data, one in ten senior citizens requires long- term care. However, the gap between the supply and demand of long-term care has widened severely over the years. Therefore, constructing a complete and thorough long-term care system for senior citizens is not only a serious issue but also an inevitable responsibility of the government. Long-term care system had started gaining attention since 1990, and the government had been designing and initiating various procedures regarding this subject; however, due to the lack of a comprehensive plan, the outcome was deficient. After careful considerations and inspections, the government decided to introduce foreign caregivers as a means of making up the shortage of domestic labors. In recent decade, the number of foreign caregivers in Taiwan has gone up to more than 160,000 people and it is still rising. Foreign caregivers have dominated the long-term care industry in Taiwan, and therefore, policies concerning managing and governing them are the main focus here. This research is done based on document analysis and interviews and the conclusion is as follows: In an aging society, the need of long-term care increases along with increased senior population. Due to the shortage of labors, it is inevitable to introduce foreign caregivers; however, with foreign caregivers dominating the labor market in the industry in question unexpectedly, many problems, such as application processes, labor rights and quality of the service have risen. Therefore, this research is designed to examine current polices in terms of managing and administrating foreign caregivers and provide prospective solutions for accommodating the labor demand for an aging society.


